This project is a fan recreation of Doom 64 for the Nintendo 64 to the GZDoom engine. The goal of the project is be mostly accurate to the original game as well as add very minor improvements for that extra bit of polish. Think of this mod as being an enhanced version of Doom 64 for GZDoom. We have Doom 64 EX, Doom 64 Absolution TC, GZDoom64, and Brutal Doom 64. Why you ask? I was personally dissatisfied with the quality of the GZDoom64 project, and Brutal Doom 64 (while it is a great improvement) is along the same lines but changes too much and deviates from the original Doom 64 experience. And thus, this project was born.

Forum Thread
How to report bugs! (Games : Doom II : Mods : Doom 64: Retribution : Forum : Bug Reporting : How to report bugs!) Locked
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Nevander The Doomslayer
Mar 26 2017 Anchor

Please use the template below for reporting bugs:

File Version:
What version of the mod you are using. This will be the [vx.x] number at the end of the filename.

Port Version:
What version of GZDoom or other port are you using.

The type of bug. Valid bug types include: script error, incorrect script action, monster placement error, HOM or broken map effect, unaligned textures, mismatched textures, lines that should/shouldn't be blocking for players/monsters, incorrect monster behavior, weapon behavior problems, etc.

Which map the bug or problem is on. If it's an intermission screen then state which one it is, if it's not related to a map and is a monster or weapon bug you can omit this part.

Where in the map this problem is. This can be omitted if Map was omitted.

Game Mode:
Are you in single player or co-op? I need to know if the bug is exclusive to co-op or not, which I predict will be the case with the majority of bugs since I did not test co-op.

Describe the problem in detail, don't hold back any details. The more info you can provide the easier and faster it will be for me to resolve it.

Edited by: Nevander

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