Divide et Impera is a total overhaul of Rome 2 that seeks to provide a challenging, historically accurate, realistic experience of the ancient world and warfare.

kjuightrfeadw says

4/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (3)

If you play small factions (Saba, etc.), you can't win. It is impossible to muster an army big enought to conquer another province. You can't improve your city because you don't have enough food, while yout enemies already have fully developed cities.
The combat bonuses for the computer are to high. You can't defeat one spear unit with tree sord units, even if the spears attack uphill and you surround them. An enemy range horse unit easily defeateds two of your melee horse units in melee combat.
As a bigger nation you can at least try to overpover a small nation with numbers. But there are way better balanced mods out there.