Dissolution is a science fiction, single-player mod for Half-Life 2 that mixes adventure and action game-play. Set in the year 2089, in a universe dominated by a mega corporate entity, Xterrier, the player awakes in a hidden lab to the voice of the mysterious Wilson. Guided by Wilson, the player must make their way through the ravaged Xterrier 581c colony, making use of any and all resources they can get their hands on in order to survive, all the while attempting to piece together the events leading to the colony's collapse and their own identity.

Nice.C says

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10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

When a game makes you say "Don't look back, don't look back" and "sh** a crow" you can bet it being good and it was. Good story plot and interesting way of deveploing it alowing the player just to go around shotting or to also find clues to update and add depth to the story. The story was enjoy able but other characters could have fetured more and some scences could be improved (the character develpoing the jelly fish and mabye intteracte with the jelly fish. I kept expeing the walls to break or something)
I would really recomaned it to anyone and is a mod which has some where to go.