Dissolution is a science fiction, single-player mod for Half-Life 2 that mixes adventure and action game-play. Set in the year 2089, in a universe dominated by a mega corporate entity, Xterrier, the player awakes in a hidden lab to the voice of the mysterious Wilson. Guided by Wilson, the player must make their way through the ravaged Xterrier 581c colony, making use of any and all resources they can get their hands on in order to survive, all the while attempting to piece together the events leading to the colony's collapse and their own identity.

Beez-one says

4/10 - Agree (7) Disagree (6)

If you need a picture to define word "Boredom" you could took screenshot from this mod.

Boring intro. I had strong wish to leave game even at this point.
Sterile environments with lack of objects. You can go mental by simply living in that place.
Total lack of ambient sounds. Always silent corridors - no electric buzzing, no pipe bubbling, nothing. Oh yeah, corridors. With 90 degree turns. All way long. Simply walking around here is boring too!
Gameplay cycle from hell: speech-locked door-firefight with pack of guys-keycard-speech-firefight with pack of guys-unlocked door. Boring train ride is optional.
In-your-face shootouts. As interesting, as digging in your own nose for treasure.

If you want something about rioting colony go replay Red Faction 1. Or System Shock 2. Just don't waste your time to play this.
4 out of 10 only for voice acting.