Dead Awake is a new single and multi-player campaign for the game Land of the Dead. Although not exactly a total conversion, in the truest sense of the word, as it is a zombie game that runs within another zombie game, much of the content used in Dead Awake will be completely original content. Many of the problems with the original game have been and are continuing to be addressed, including several bug fixes, net play improvements, and lots of additions to the core. Dead Awake features a completely new set of environments, and scores of new models, textures, code, and other resources. It is likely that it's first release will be mostly a single player game, but will retain and enhance the network ability of the original Land of the Dead. Future revisions will include co-op network play, as well as improved versions of the original Invasion, Capture the Flag, and DeathMatch game types, and perhaps others as well. You will begin the game in the role of our hero, Jason, a young man...

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list of many things done (Games : Land Of The Dead : Mods : Dead Awake : Forum : General Discussion : list of many things done) Locked
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Feb 1 2007 Anchor

Changes in Dead Awake vs. LOTD as of February 1, 2007:

New/Enhanced Classes:

Dead Awake currently is using the Static Mesh version of several things that in LOTD
were originally SkeletalMeshes. These are:

If this proves to be workable, then we will convert the remaining ones to Static Mesh
instead of Skeletal, as well. Additional "Mover" types or things that move:

DAActionableMover: One Way movers work in Multi, Open/ClosingSounds lists work properly, should NOT move when bumped
DAActionableSkeletalMesh: Should work in Net Play (untested)
DADestructableMover: Based on DAActionableMover, and fixes DestructionSounds list
DADoor: All fixes from DAActionableMover, adds bSwingsBothWays and Linked Doors (ala Trin)
DAManholeCover: A moveable manhole cover
DARailShooter: This inherits any fixes from DAMover, but has not been tested in any way.
DAWalkinCoolerDoor: New standard door
DAWallGrate: New standard door
DAAxeMetalGlassDoorLeft: New standard door
DACabinetDoors*: New Standard Doors
WoodCabinetDoor*: New Standard Doors
SecurityCamera: Always rotating security camera mover

All other *Door*s are pretty much ports in from the original game, but using the DA classes.

DAMP: Classes specific to Multiplayer

Ball: "Soccer" "ball"
BallStart: Placed in a level to determine where the "Ball" is returned to when it scores or otherwise disappears
DAAccessControl: Pings a (remote?) web server to check banlist, instead of using the game's built-in limitation list
DAMPLevelInfo: Sets the default starting level for MP play as the DAFistWeapon
DAMPScoreBoard: A proper "ScoreBoard" that works in this version of the Engine
GoalVolume: What you wrap around the area to consider a "goal" for the "soccer" "ball"

UZGEffects: Effects for the previously "Unnamed" Zombie Game

ActionableEmitter: An emitter that will hopefully one day allow you to press Action to trigger it. This works fine in standalone, but not in net play
CameraEye: A special actor to use as the Eye of a SecurityCamera instead of making a custom emitter ala AngelMapper's instructions
DABreakingGlass: Glass tends to have a much longer time to hang out, it sits on the ground, or whatever it collided with, and generally looks nicer. ALso scales down when the system is running slowly.
DACorona: Nothing special here, just some defaults
DAFleshImpact: Improved blood to replace the generic fleshimpact
MPCameraTextureClient: Used in conjunction with the other stuff on AngelMapper's camera tutorial, instead of the regular CameraTextureClient
NetworkEmitter: in theory, an emitter that can be placed in a level and triggered server side

UZGItems: Several misc items, only ones with special functionality documented

BreakableGlass: Full network compatible breakable glass
Corpse: A special Animated Object that allows freezeframing in a particular frame.
DAStaticMeshActor: a regular Static Mesh that has a lot more stuff replicated for netplay, and some extra code to hopefully help them attach to movers properly online

UZG: Base codes

ActionableTrigger: Action button when near this should Trigger an Event
ACTION_*: Added functions for use in AIscripts
Burnable: An interface code-wise for things that might want to get lit on fire
DAActionableStaticMesh: This should all work in NetPlay. I don't believe it's been tested.
DAAnimatedObject: Animated Object that should work in NetPlay. Has not been tested.
DABulletMark: Base class for allowing several different marks for bullet impacts
DAChangeLevelTrigger: Defaults to using DA Menus and adds ability to leave menu name blank to not show a Loading menu
DAClothing: Easy interface to attaching static meshes to specific bones of Skeletals
DADamage: adds support for identifying damage type, ie blunt, bullet, fire, explosion, etc
DAGib*: Support for gibbing of Pawns
DAGunWeapon/DAMeleeWeapon: Adds stat tracking, several bug fixes, bTwoHanded, bCanUseUnderwater
DAHealthPack: Fixes bug that could allow people to prevent others from taking healthpacks, adds bSuperHealth
DAMover: Mover that should mostly be fixed for Online play, as well as adding ConstantLoop and OscillatingLoop modes (Constant works, Oscillating is untested, I think)
DANote: Note that shows itself on your HUD when you walk over it in game, and can also be enabled to display in the levels by use of a console command
DAPawn/DAZombiePawn: Way too much to list
DAProjector: Regular projector that doesn't do anything on a dedicated server's CPU
DATriggerLight: TriggerLight that may work in Net Play (not tested)

DAZombieFactory: Adds:
var() bool bNoSpawnWhenVisible;
var() bool bZombiesRun;
var() bool bMultiPlayerOnly;
var() bool bInvasionOnly;
var() bool bDeathMatchOnly;
var() bool bCTFOnly;

Effect_Flashlight*: Flashlight code
Effect_Shadow*: Full dynamic shadow code (HIGH CPU USAGE)
ExpandingProjector: A projector that expands
MoverSpeedTrigger: A trigger than when triggered will change the MoveSpeed of a specified Mover
NetworkTrigger: A trigger that should trigger events on a client (in theory, not tested)
PercentTrigger: Trigger something a random X% of the time
ScaledEmitter: An Emitter that can scale itself to different sized ar eas
TeleportEffect: An effect spawned when a player spawns or is teleported in multi
TriggeredAmbientSound: An AmbientSound that can be Triggered on or off
TriggeredSound: A sound that can be triggered to play
TypeSign: This is spawned over a player's head when they are chatting or in console
UZGPlayerController: Entirely too many changes to list
WeaponLightFlash: A light that is stuck to player's weapons and triggers when they are fired, to cause a muzzle flash to illuminate an area
WeatherEmitter: A specific emitter for WeatherEffects to use


This list is by no means comprehensive, there's tons of stuff that I've forgotten about.

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