Dark Evolution is a total-conversion (or at least, that's what I'm aiming) modification for Starcraft. It features 3 races: The powerful Hell Zerg The resistant Exiled Protoss The massive Infested Terran. - Update - After being dead, Dark Evolution comes back to life, better than ever. The next release, 1.3, will include new music, as well as new sounds, more balance changes, spell changes and new units. A minimal of 5 units will be introduced in 1.3 release. I hope in future releases the number increases to 10 or 12 units. Every race has now a different gaemplay, since their strategy has changed in many ways. You may not rely anymore on the Zerg's regenartion ability, but you can trust in great ofensive power, as for the Terran you may take damage but the numbers will pay back, and the Protoss might even have lower numbers, but their resistance and considerable offensive power can be the best of weapons. You decide who wins in this race of survival.

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Stormgate Announced By Blizzard RTS Alumni Frost Giant Studios; 5 Explosive Blizzard RTS Mods

Stormgate Announced By Blizzard RTS Alumni Frost Giant Studios; 5 Explosive Blizzard RTS Mods

Feature 4 comments

Frost Giant Studios have just announced their debut RTS, Stormgate. To commemorate their roots at Blizzard, here's five mods for Blizzard RTS games!

Starcraft: Dark Evolution mod

Starcraft: Dark Evolution mod

News 8 comments

Dark Evolution completely changes the three races, but turning each one into an alternative type of what they originally were. The Hell Zerg, Infested...

Race Change


Dark Evolution Mod might change the Exiled Protoss to the Xel'Naga race. I plan to make stone-like buildings, so Protoss strength will have a reason...