Daemons Mod - Official Stand Alone Race For Dawn of War Soulstorm Description: This mod will be adding the Daemons race to Dawn of War: Soulstorm. The Demons race will be created to bring forth the most viscous of demonic forces unlike Chaos, and their power of 100% daemonic domination will be witnessed in this mod. The Daemons race focuses on the creation of all demons, and all demons will be within this mod. All new units, structures, abilities, new design of gameplay (epic gameplay that's for sure), art, ai, upgrades, and a complete race alone will be forged by our hands. The Demons mod Team combined with the Apocalypse mod Team will bring you a final breath-taking discovery and demonstrate to you one of the final epic races of Dawn of War 40K.

brymruano says

9/10 - Agree (3) Disagree

Downloaded it yesterday, and it's definitely a huge improvement over version 0.96! The army has some seriously neat variety to it, and the abilities available are very nice.

That said, there are a few bugs (Assassinate, which it being worked on (Best of luck on that!), the Sacrifice ability, the ability to team color more of the army) which do detract from it, but what is here is a very full work, and definitely worth a DL!

Good luck on UA 1.73, dudes! Hope it's a major hit!