You wake up to a sound again, go investigate! (This is a VERY, VERY short custom story but I hope you will still enjoy it!)

RSS Reviews

xarox02 says

Agree (2) Disagree

was pretty decent for a remaster but it just was short but hey its glad to hear that there will be a sequel in the future more content!


SwankestCZ says

Agree (1) Disagree

Small mod, which remastered version pleasantly surprised with the improved lighting.


Aleksei-Panov says

Agree Disagree

not bad.


Lester79 says

Agree Disagree (2)

this mod, despite the overall decent visuals, is in itself pretty much worthless, the people who "praise" this for what i assume are for mere shids and giggles, make themselves look like clowns. this mod is part of the problem of the issue with the modding community nowadays, some people make low effort 'funy haha XDD' mods like house of creep and whatever low effort assmemery they can come up with instead of legitimately trying to make something worthwhile. all this really feels like the end times are here.


zys says


Thinbut says