Survive the disaster as an unnamed scientist and make your attempt to escape from Black Mesa.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 20)

I fun little twenty minute romp through a section of Black Mesa.

The combat encounters are pretty nice throughout, though not particularly challenging. It could be improved by upping the number of enemies in some of the wide open arenas.

A couple of mapping issues I noticed throughout which could be fixed are a number of railings in combat areas that are func_walls, meaning you cannot shoot through them even though it looks as though you should be able to. Also, a lot of the windows in this mod are practically glowing. They are far too bright and far too opaque.

Otherwise, this is a very enjoyable, bite-size experience.


Vinekh says

Agree Disagree

This is a great mod. I appreciate the attention to detail you've put into it.

The mod should take 10-15 minutes to finish.

short but fun

Great mod. Short and sweet. Couple of bugs to iron out but outside of that, had a blast playing for 15 mins.
Reducing 2 points from 10 for:
1) minor bugs and somewhat tedious level design choices
2) Length. I know the description specifically mentioned it was around 15mins in length but at the end of it, it c***teased me so hard. I didn't want it to end and that too so abruptly. Hopefully, this will be expanded upon and one day become a much larger experience.


IlaLia says

Agree Disagree



Not bad for demo of unfinished mod, but level design is a bit simplified and maybe needs more storytelling? Also required scientist is not protected anyhow (autosave etc.) from death, so you can loose whole your progress from the beginning.

Very Half-Life-y gameplay and level design. Like other reviewers mentioned, it's kinda short and there are some inconsistencies there and there (SECURITY being reversed on a face of some doors, a critical scientist can be killed and you get soft-locked...)

One annoying thing: there are no auto-saves, if you die, you need to start from the beginning all over again. Not everyone has the reflex of doing manual and/or quick saves.

If you are willing to ignore those details, it's a good experience overall.

A little short. Level design is Half-Life like, classic and good. Enemy combat was easy, despite playing on hard. There is no trigger to return to the menu once the game ends, but I do not blame the author, the way it was made to end a game in GoldSrc is nothing short of dumb. Great little mod with potential to expand upon!

i dont usually comment on these but i have to say... your mod is pretty good and the mapping is impressive,
I had a good time playing it even the combat was enjoyable. 10/10 (for me)

This is a well made little mappack. You can tell the creator knew what he was doing, alongside very pleasing brushwork there are also nice minor details everywhere. The pack takes place about six hours after the BM disaster and it really feels like we're late to the party. There are bodies everywhere and barely any friendlies left, it feels lonely for sure.

With only three maps and quality work like this there isn't much to say or critique. My only, very minor, issue is that you can kill a scientist that you need to open a door and the game doesn't end then and there, it's a potential progress stopper. Other than that, I didn't have any issues with this mappack. It's a solid, ten minutes adventure.