This is an Unoffical Addon mod for Castlevania Simon's Destiny. Load CSD as the IWAD/or first then this file. Castlevania 3 for Simon's Destiny is much how it sounds. It brings the Characters of Castlevania 3 to the table along with new monsters, new difficulty settings, and new abilities unique to each character.. The new Monsters run on a randomizer geared for each one it's relative best area to spawn. This mod brings new weapons that every character can equip. This mod is best run with OpenGL or Vulkan and is compatible for LZDoom as well. For best effects, set Puffs to Sprites and Particles for better eye candy. It does not work on Zandronum.

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Castlevania 3rilogy TC for Simon's Destiny

Castlevania 3rilogy TC for Simon's Destiny

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This is an article introducing Castlevania 3rilogy TC.