"Twisted Metal was the inspiration to create this game mod.. I felt the need that the car combat genre needs a bigger push. Think of it as Twisted Metal combined with Unreal Tournament.. and there is even a big twist to the storyline."-Mike Bastianelli -Facts- It will NOT have racing. It will be strictly cars with guns on land. No upgrades.. this is NOT a RPG. There will be destroyable environments. There will be unlockable combatants. Players will be able to create their own matches. Storymode will be the biggest focus for this games development. All unlockable combatants will have endings. Online play will be looked at last. -Story- Patrick a young teenager and "Army Brat" is gifted with a special power to grant wishes.This power was given to him by a unknown force, and he was NOT born with it. To keep this powers he must run a tournament of his choice and grant the wish of the winner with anything their heart desires. The armor he wears is the source of his power,...

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