Overhaul for Mount&Blade; Warband single player that moves Calradia to a crusade theme. It features some of the most popular submods such as Diplomacy, Custom Commander, Freelancer, Pre-battle Orders & Deployment, Tournament Play Enhancements and many others.

Erethir says

3/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

In a nutshell.
New music, armors and some trooptree changes.
Same map, names of lords, kings, towns, etc.

The biggest complaint I have about this is how unorignal the trooptrees feel. Veigers, Swadia, Nords.. They all have pretty much the same trooptrees. They all have knights, archers and footmen. The only real diversity among them is that one side maybe has a bigger chance to spawn with a onehanded axe and the other a onehanded sword and some minor ups and downs on stats.
But it felt like everyone had the same archers, infantary and cavalry allmost equally good.
So no uniqueness when thinking about mighty nord infantary , mighty swadian knights or mighty veiger archer. They all feel like the same!
The only one who felt the most unique but was just the same as in native was khergits with their mass cavalry.

I would only recomend this mod for those that seek a more plain army. Those that think every its the most fun to play with the same army concept and not facing something more diffreant.

Want to keep on facing the same army of cav/inf/arc over and over again?
Well then this is a mod for you.