One man, one sad memory, one brutal lie. You play as Michael, a 20 year old man living with his family and guests in a pretty rich castle. You wake up one day and finds a cassette on your desk. It's from someone you know pretty well. Someone with a story to tell you. Someone that will lead you into a great adventure...

Skelatilian04 says

7/10 - Agree Disagree (1)

The Cassette players were cool and it was a great idea, but I couldn't understand what was being said half the time-though maybe that's my problem.
The levels were meh to empty too many times.
The story was pretty good, though I didn't really understand what was going on sometimes.
I liked the "puzzle" near the end, and just generally that whole section at the bottom.
Though a few things were left unexplained, or maybe I couldn't find any reasoning for them.
The music was brilliant, and the custom stuff was neat-even if White Nighted.

That's it for me