Black Mesa: Uplink is the recreation of the Half-Life demo (HL: Uplink) released by Valve in early 1999 which featured content that was scrapped from the original storyline.

CED2011 says

9/10 - Agree (3) Disagree (1)

As I'm not good for reviewing games, I'll just write down what I think is worth pointing out.

It's an overall amazing piece of work.
The soudscape is fantastic, although more background explosions in outdoor areas could have done it way better.
It stays really true to the original game from 1999
Although some things have been changed, they actually changed for a good reason and for a higher level of realism.
Playing with commentary nodes is interesting and worth a second playthrough.

Some lights are way overbrighted, giving a somehow unrealistic feel.
There are some other lightning artifacts here and there. One good example is the strong white light going straight through the vent ducts near the end.
Some areas could have used more detail and revision.

All in all, a short, yet totally fun experience worth the download and playthrough.