The Battle Grounds 2 and Battle Grounds 3(BG3) are Half-Life 2 multiplayer modifications based on the American War of Independence (1775-1783). The British Army and its Native American tribal allies engage in battle against the United States Continental Army and militia forces. Take aim and fire muskets, prepare bayonets and take control of the battlefield to succeed in your campaign for final victory. Combat will vary from long-range rifle marksmanship to brutal close quarters hand-to-hand melee fighting. You will need a mix of first person combat skills and quick-thinking strategy to survive. So prepare yourself to do battle for your side and to meet the enemy head-on. Only one side can be victorious.

0-LSD-0 says

5/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

The ranged combat isn't too bad, but the melee is quite terrible.
The graphics are pretty dated too. The models are quite nice, but most of the maps are quite rough-cut and grainy.
The weapon animations are quite good, and the game is surprisingly un-biased: almost anything US revolution-related is automatically turned into anti-British propaganda, yet this mod is quite respectful to both sides.
The small maps are the deciding factor for this 5/10 score. They're absolutely tiny.
Finally, it's impossible to join a server without 60% of players mic spamming. Though it's a free game, with an expected "difficult" community, this is most definitely the worst i've seen of all the mods i've played. Even after muting all the mic spammers, there's still the chat spammers ruining any possibility of team communication. Team killers go unpunished, as the majority of servers lack admins, or decent admins. It's not uncommon for the admins to join in with the spamming, and this contributes to a really poor experience.

The game has potential, but it needs a lot of work.