Azure Sheep is a single player mod for Half-Life. The player is one of the Barney guards that is on post in one of the entrances of the Black Mesa facility When the chaos starts you realize that Kate, your college, code name 'Azure Sheep' is in the complex and in big dangers. You decide to rescue her...

FlippedOutKyrii says

8/10 - Agree (6) Disagree (2)

This mod is jam packed with plenty of new content and surprises!

I could tell the level designers had a field day when they began mapping this mod, as many of the levels helped combine all 3 Half-lifes together. You fall out of a ceiling and meet Gordon Freeman as he comes up on a lift with some spiffy shades, you meet a scrawny Adrian Shephard as he tries to find his way back to his friends and en Barney Calhoun makes an appearence! I loved how this mod built upon the Black Mesa we came to love.

The new enemies are fun to fight and plenty of the guns make for interesting firefights.

However, leading Kate around can get irritating at times, but I was surprised to see she could actually hold up her own in firefights and even helped me a few times, so I gotta give DAV some props for that.

Something no fan of half-life should pass up :)