Black Death takes place somewhere in Europe inside a small town with a dark past. This particular town was hit hard with the black plague during the medieval times. Inside this town there is a castle which the villagers believe that it held hundreds of citizens affected by the plague inside of it. Almost to act as an isolation center from the rest of the village. This castle has been abandoned for more than almost 500 years and recent claims tell how they have spotted people entering this castle and not coming out of it. One brave villager known as Edward Castman has decided to venture into this castle to see for himself what lies inside this tomb of darkness and figure out who or what is still lurking inside of it.

SilentDarkness says

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6/10 - Agree Disagree

Despite this CS being super flawed, it's also super awesome!

Scare Factor: Not morbidly terrifying, but it's nice and atmospherically horror-inducing. It'd get more points if it used music though.

Voice Acting: This is SPOT ON, man. Very beautiful voice acting, both evil voice and the player character. Do more voice acting!

Storyline: Enough notes to avoid getting sidetracked by monsters, which is good. The storyline seems a bit one-dimensional, but it's still pretty nice.

Bugs: None, really.

Puzzle Difficulty: What puzzles? LOL. The notes pretty much give a walkthrough of what to do. Very simple.

Supply Amount: Enough to kee pyou going if you sprint through all the levels. Frankly, making the one oil potion in the map a large oil potion would've helped with this part of the score.

Other: Normally, I get disappointed with any CS that uses hallucination enemies for most of the encounters, but I let that slide because it's a small story. I love this story, despite the 6/10 rating. I play this when I want a short little horror snack without devoting lots of time to a complicated Amnesia story.