I present you the Amalgamator. The amalgamator is a race that combine bit and pieces from 9 vanilla race Wanna see what happen when Guard Captain, Force Commander, Canoness, and Chaos Commander stand in the same squad. Or a bunch of commissar that blam'ed each other ?. Then you come to right place, cause this is the mod that no one ask for, but someone did it anyway for the laugh The Amalgamator come with two distinct path: The Commander and the Infantry. You can expand that even further on the later tier, or mix and mash to found the perfect combination The inception idea start when I wonder what would happen if I put a bunch of vanilla commander on one or two squad. Thing escalated from there. This mod was made with humor and curiosity in mind, so I hope you have fun discovering and playing this A special thank and credit to Brother Thudmeizer,Kekoulis,Gambit,corncobman,Capt jojo,Iseradol,K84,kill_bot,unsociallobser,loki,cneo and all other brother helping me.

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What is Amalgamator

What is Amalgamator


A brief introduction to Amalgamator race.For those who are wonder what is race is all about.