In 23 AF ( After planet fall ) in the outer reaches of the galaxy a exploration was sent by Hiigaran High command and what remained of the Taiidan Republic into a region known as the Temple of Sajuuk which was a large sphere spanning many Systems. Early history in many cultures of the Galaxy said the key to Sajuuk was through his temple and that a test was to be passed in order to prove them self’s worthy of him. What was sent to this region where the carriers Artemis and the Taiidan Research vessel Redemption both of which where lead by the known admiral Reinhard Soban. When the fleet had reached the sphere they began searching for some kind of opening, since the outer layer seemed to resist all their weapons fire. After weeks of searching for an opening they finally found one, a large door that appeared opened. Letting a few of there probes in they found it was a vast network of tunnels and pathways that could fit even some of the biggest ships of the galaxy. With Artemis leading the...

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I've just finished the texture for the destroyer, and also put some guns onto it for an example. Check the site for images. Until next time, Eric072691...

Ships in-game


We have gotten a ship in-game, screenshots are on the site. More ships to come. Also know that we do have an internal aplha with our one ship going. More...