Christopher Quinn, novelist, British citizen, eldest son of Lord and Lady Quinn of Rotchestershire, England, was rather surprised when he came home from a booksigning tour one day to find that both his parents were dead. He was even more surprised when he dropped to his knees and burst out laughing. ~Yahtzee Crosshaw

NESfag says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

Pretty decent overall.

The new art is very undetailed but it has its charm and the merit of having been done from scratch.
The new voices are not too bad but some of them get repetitive quickly.

The first levels are a bit repetitive but things do get better as you go on with new weapons and enemies.
Generally speaking the level layouts are fun and varied, however most things are not very detailed and some rooms look a bit bland.
The best level was the train.

A decent mod overall that goes in increasing quickly as you play.