Standalone mod. Play Doom in the Age of Empires 2 game engine. Doom Remake as Isometric Shooter and Tactical Shooter game. Old school, retro, boomer shooter, classic and arcade style gameplay along with Doom and Brutal Doom graphics. Diablo style mouse movements... There are also 2 more campaigns that are available in the v1.25 file. "Doom (Doom 3 style)" campaign tries to reimagine Doom in the style of narrative based FPS games like Half-Life (Half Life), Doom 3 and Dead Space games or Doom 3: Phobos mod. That means that in between the action there is plenty of narrative and moments of environmental storytelling. "Spider" campaign is inspired greatly from the Super Mario Bros game. Players will control an Arachnotron in this campaign...

RSS Reviews

OnyeNacho says

Agree (2) Disagree

UPDATE: The developer undeleted my original comment and apologized for the ordeal. I still do not agree with the categorization but fine, so be it. I will update this review in full later as I play the project further.

For now, all is forgiven.


Lavicheno says

Agree Disagree (1)

Great modification so good


RAWED says

Agree Disagree

Can't wait for the game to start. I downloaded this to play, not to look at your fantasies


yoshjoz says

Agree Disagree (1)

cool idea, nicely made, but the "story" is really annoying with this telephone sound and takes too long before the action starts. and when the action starts, the game takes control every 10 seconds, so the pacing and momentum is completely lost :(
but the developer promised to add a mode with less story and more action and I'm really hyped for it.
The idea of this mod is completely bananas and I really want to love it.


curryking3 says

Agree Disagree (1)

awesome mod!


Liotarne says

Agree Disagree (2)

Love doom


Perok says

Agree Disagree (1)

RTS doesn't go well with Doom.. u can't dodge bullets and u can only die if outnumbered cuz that's how RTS goes, but nice concept anyway


JasperTedVidalTale says