A custom story for Amnesia: The Dark Descent in which you once again take on the role of Daniel, roughly one year after his ordeal at Brennenburg. Daniel has been doing quite well since his escape, but one night, a loud crash awakens him. It is up to you to investigate the source of the disturbance, and find out what it all means. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST HAVE JUSTINE FOR THIS STORY.

TheUnbeholden says

5/10 - Agree Disagree

Move along, nothing to see here. Same stuff we've already seen before.
The same key hunts, the same monster spawns each time you pick the key, the same slow pace with no pay off, ie story that goes no where and gives little. It falls into the trap of being Amnesia without the originality and with the repetitiveness that kills the immersion... the only good point is that it's a long mod but that works against itself because of the amateurish mistakes.
There is a "spider lair" although its aesethically nice, and has a interesting premise to have to use directions but it was to short to justify playing for it.
The end boss is a bit innovative in how he's made but it doesn't make much sense. He could easily kill someone using a gun yet he uses this magical beam stuff that takes ages to kill you because he can't aim.. and conveniently a big rock falls that you can throw into these giant light bulbs?
The mod also provides explanation for the shadows. But its the most obvious explanation a fan could come up with.