What would you do if you lose your interest in this world? What if the group of reluctantly dead slaves comes back to life and tries to disembowel you? Would you just kill yourself or would you fight against the inhumanity and find something to live for? If so, you are currently the only person who is capable to resist this suicidal uprising.

AuntieRae says

9/10 - Agree Disagree

I really enjoyed this. Instead of relying on jump scares, this is all atmosphere and story. Very reminiscent of the original amnesia. The few "jump scares" were actually very moody and atmospheric rather than cheap. I thought the story was interesting. I would have liked more which is the only reason I did not give this a 10. Very well designed. Monsters/Enemies had just the right level of threat.

I am embarrassed to admit I did die while playing this, but I think with the right amount of skill. A player could make their way through without death. I enjoyed this almost completely. I got a little stuck on one puzzle, but what is an amnesia game without one puzzle that takes that extra effort of observation?

I really wish this could have been longer, but I respect the length and scale of the custom story. Good job. Keep up the good work.