A Christmas-themed Amnesia: TDD Short Story by the Timorem Team.

AcidInMyBrain says

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9/10 - Agree Disagree

Loved it!
I was surprised when it turned out that there wasn't anything supernatural in it - but it didn't matter at all :)

The thing I wasn't too satisfied with was the inaccurate medical stuff...
1. Antibiotics wasn't discovered until 30 - 40 years later
2. Tests for pneumonia was, as far as I know, not possible at the time the story takes place in. Tests for most diseases were not possible back then (again, might be me who's wrong about this)
3. Pneumonia is easily treated even with simple antibiotics - unless it's viral, but that's another story

Still, small details! Would be lovely to see a new custom story from you guys :D