88 Flak is a fast-paced combat mod for the 3D action game Freelancer by Digital Anvil. It aims to bring quick and brutal arena-like combat to Freelancer with Unreal Tournament 2004 style speed and years of refined Team Fortress inspired class balancing. In addition, it aims to expand the gameplay experience with numerous new features, including docking on player Battleships (use teammates as mobile bases), purchasable stations (private bases that shoot at hostile NPCs and players), hiring AI wingmen, dynamic AI routines (88 Flak's AI is hailed to be the best in Freelancer), ability to script story missions in multiplayer (extremely beta), AI Bots (persistent NPCs with their own reputations and loadouts), and full customization via a Freelancer Mods Manager script with configurable client-side and server-side options such as advanced graphics/audio and more.

Czar says

10/10 -

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