Hallo. I am Gabrilduro, the Developer of this Western Mod of M&B WB v. 1.158/1.167. I always dreamt of a Western videogame or of a ACW videogame and this Mod has them both and is an Rpg in 1st/3rd and strategic view. It is for a Single Player Campaign, but has also Custom Battles and a cool Multiplayer (even in Coop mode!) with playable Factions of the American Civil War and Wild Frontier, Mexican Second Empire and Indian Wars. DOWNLOAD LINK for last UPDATES of 1860s Old America is in the Update and Download section. Just click it. Sorry, but you will NOT get any assistance here. Please go to the main Homepage on Talesworld Thread and post a comment there....to get all the explainations, watch Videos, Pics and posts. Thank you Gabrilduro PS....DO NOT forget to RATE the mod in the REVIEW section, folks!!!

Bent7793 says

1/10 - Agree (2) Disagree (5)

One of the most broken,bugged and unpolished mods I have ever played. Here are a list of bugs and features that don't work

-cannons don't work
-gatling guns don't work
-missing textures
-extremely unbalanced. North strong as hell, south weak as all get out.

-Map feels barren and empty. Few towns and villages in CSA territory.

-Indian skin is just armor, so when talking to the Indian companion, it uses the native feature that removes a full face covering helmet, so I am talking to a white head with a redskin body

-manhunt quest scene does nothing
-Abandoned fort location does nothing

-Men who attack me on zendar island do not attack

-in battle my men run into things, and spend the rest of the battle trying to get through them.

-when you buy a ship and set sail, for a time you are unable to disembark