Hallo. I am Gabrilduro, the Developer of this Western Mod of M&B WB v. 1.158/1.167. I always dreamt of a Western videogame or of a ACW videogame and this Mod has them both and is an Rpg in 1st/3rd and strategic view. It is for a Single Player Campaign, but has also Custom Battles and a cool Multiplayer (even in Coop mode!) with playable Factions of the American Civil War and Wild Frontier, Mexican Second Empire and Indian Wars. DOWNLOAD LINK for last UPDATES of 1860s Old America is in the Update and Download section. Just click it. Sorry, but you will NOT get any assistance here. Please go to the main Homepage on Talesworld Thread and post a comment there....to get all the explainations, watch Videos, Pics and posts. Thank you Gabrilduro PS....DO NOT forget to RATE the mod in the REVIEW section, folks!!!

tau434 says

1/10 - Agree (27) Disagree (13)

I have to agree with Extradaemon and some of the other posters on here.

Now before anyone goes off calling me a troll, I am a modder myself. I understand how hard the process is, and I'm not one to criticize a good amount of effort in a project someone genuinely wants to see succeed.

HOWEVER, I'm giving this a 1 out of 10 because the creator is unfairly trying to manipulate the rating system in exchange for a "promised" release of another version of this mod. That already drops my review score down by six whole points.

What's more, this mod isn't really worthy of being called a .99z release; it's more like a .5 or .6. I only point this out because the author pointed out in a previous thread that "voting 0.99T less than a 5 will be considered trolling." So basically what he's saying is that this mod won't be perfect, but it will be fully playable. Fair enough.

Except, in it's current stage, it's not a playable "full conversion". There are a lot of bugs and content that's been skipped over, from text errors to bullets that drop off after only 50 yards. I can't shoot a guy coming at me without getting in close enough where I might as well draw my sword. What's more, the map is extremely sparsely populated with very little design beyond the general landmass itself. The shootouts which are so widely advertised are really just regular tournament battles, albeit with guns. Plus, the one map is so darn large and the AI so slow to move, it takes forever to fight just one shootout. Another three points off.

The parts I liked? Music choice was stellar, use of historical figures was definitely par, and selection of weaponry was definitely well thought out. But the mechanics make every battle really awkward to fight, and the campaign map just doesn't offer a whole lot to hold my interest for more than 30-40 min of playtime in a sitting.

I'm not one to criticize modders for their hard work. I don't give out low ratings lightly. But the abuse of the rating system combined with the lackluster content of a claimed .99 stage total conversion leaves this mod severely wanting for me. Modders don't work for the attention or praise, we work because we genuinely love what we do and simply want to share our work with the world. If you're basing the success of your modding career off anything else, you clearly don't understand that.