Hallo. I am Gabrilduro, the Developer of this Western Mod of M&B WB v. 1.158/1.167. I always dreamt of a Western videogame or of a ACW videogame and this Mod has them both and is an Rpg in 1st/3rd and strategic view. It is for a Single Player Campaign, but has also Custom Battles and a cool Multiplayer (even in Coop mode!) with playable Factions of the American Civil War and Wild Frontier, Mexican Second Empire and Indian Wars. DOWNLOAD LINK for last UPDATES of 1860s Old America is in the Update and Download section. Just click it. Sorry, but you will NOT get any assistance here. Please go to the main Homepage on Talesworld Thread and post a comment there....to get all the explainations, watch Videos, Pics and posts. Thank you Gabrilduro PS....DO NOT forget to RATE the mod in the REVIEW section, folks!!!

Extradaemon says

1/10 - Agree (142) Disagree (103)

I'm submitting this low score not because the mod is bad. It's an ambitious mod witch fails in the expected areas. I'm giving it a low score because the author insists on selling the final release in return for good reviews. A complete disregard for any creative criticism and an extremely disrespectful practice to both the community that supports it, and those who intend for and use the review system for it's intended purpose. NOT being used to blackmail users into giving the mod good press.


Many have criticised Gabrilduro for his extremely obnoxious behaviour in the past, but this has taken it to a whole new level, his cult of personality is out of control, and it's time for a long, hard reality check. The below image is a small collection found through a few minutes of browsing the 1860 mod forums:


As for the mod. It's average. It's a full conversion with many weak areas, the majority of textures are downright ugly (http://i.imgur.com/CLGOguw.jpg), The map is empty and lacking in any polish (http://i.imgur.com/N2FaUVR.jpg), And many of the flavour items are simply ported from some of "Gabby's" older mods, which are of a worse quality than this. (http://i.imgur.com/tDlpnm0.jpg)(Those "Only MP" factions prove my point exactly) And don't get me started on the multiplayer (http://i.imgur.com/JG0L8X9.jpg.

I suppose that's all I can say about the 1860's Old America mod and the powers that run it. The only positives I can possibly say are that the music choice is stellar for assisting immersion, if only the rest of the mod hadn't stopped that happening a long time ago.