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RSS Reviews

Blood: Trauma Therapy

Mod review may contain spoilers

I think I liked TT even more than Deathwish, the benchmark of Blood mods. Great easter eggs, usage of Blood 2 quotes, but man those maps! Episode 2 is just perfect. Bevare of spoliers. Totally loved the tornado idea and the most scary thing on it is, the same year this was released, we had tornado in our city (Hodonin) :D So i can say it was authentic as hell! The map with the skyscraper was really beautiful, I just love rain in Blood and that skybox was one of the nicest. Overall, very creative mod full of cool ideas we never saw in Blood. Lost hat in tornado.. Airship level.. Parachute jump.. This mod was really a journey. There are even 2 types of one map, recomment to play both. And intro with NPCs in second epizode was amazing too! Cant wait for more mods from you, I hope you will keep the good work.


French Meat 2

Mod review may contain spoilers

Interesting combination of a horror game set in summertime vibes. Dont get me wrong, its still the Blood we love, but with that exotic atmoshpere, it brings new, fresh experience and it suprisingly works well. With new sky textures and music, this mod is very atmospheric (for example the second level has really nice summer evening vibe, and in third level, with the beautiful dusk sky, you really feel that story progress) The Jurassic park map was mindblowing, and easily the best one. Love this mod, and with the strange summer atmosphere, I will definitely play it again when there will be hot outside. Thank you!


The Way Of Ira for Blood

Mod review

Love it!


EVICTION: Addon for Blood

Mod review

Smashing job! One of the most creative mods out there, very detailed levels full of items (I use voxel packs), so every room looks filled, realistic. Also love the new enemies! I would love to see other modders to use them too. With new scrpits this is another level of Blood, yet still not so modern that it would ruin the original Blood feeling. The cave in The Hive was the most beautiful place in Blood I ever played. Cant wait for more levels of this outstanding episode. Thank you for making this.