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Comment History
vykojust - - 8 comments @ Final Alone In The Dark (Full, UPDATE3)

Works well with NBlood, amazing adventure mod! its such a shame that you didnt complete it. First 3 maps are well playable, but then I couldnt continue, there is a missing button.

Good karma+1 vote
vykojust - - 8 comments @ No Hope In Sight (Demo) Update 2

Great news! I was afraid this mod has been forgotten. I hope you will complete it ASAP!

Good karma+2 votes
vykojust - - 8 comments @ Afterlands V1

Ty for advices, but we have Duskwood already completed. I mean different secret level. I tried map warp cheat and you start in sewers in that level. Or it is something uncompleted and unaccessible?

Edit: that level is named Dark Chancel

Good karma+1 vote
vykojust - - 8 comments @ Afterlands V1

We played this cool WAD with my friend in coop and it was super awesome! but we searched every bit of every level and couldnt find the final secret level. We found the 3 puzzle switches in the first secret level in caves, we found thhe 3 door that these switches opened in three different maps, but thats all. There was nothing there, which was dissapointing. Can you please tell me where can I find the final secret levels? We are totally helpless....

Good karma+1 vote
vykojust - - 8 comments @ No Hope In Sight (Demo)

So this doesnt work with Blood with plazma?

Good karma+2 votes
vykojust - - 8 comments @ Blood - Coagulated

Incredible work. I check your work daily and cant wait for more. The trees are in my opinion the best thing you created, and you created them perfectly. Its whole another level to play Blood with your voxels, and the trees add the most to the atmosphere.

I have one suggestion though. I tried to merge your voxel pack with the other voxel pack here, to have the game voxelized as possible at one time, and its a bit tricky. Its not that hard to merge ZIP files and Blood.def in text editor. It easily worked with older versions of voxel packs. But newer versions dont work and the game displayed only one of these voxel packs (depended on which one was first in Blood.def) so I spent some time at it trying, manually selected your monsters voxels (since the other voxel pack contains your other items too). And add it to blood.def under the other voxel pack, it looks like this:

include DEF/decals.def
include DEF/pickups.def
include DEF/switches.def
include DEF/props.def
include DEF/trees.def
include DEF/gibs.def
include DEF/monsters.def
include DEF/custom.def
include MHK/maphacks.def
include chillo_bat.def
include chillo_caleb.def
include chillo_cultist.def
include chillo_eel.def
include chillo_gargoyle.def
include chillo_gillbeast.def
include chillo_hand.def
include chillo_innocent.def
include chillo_mime.def
include chillo_rat.def
include chillo_vox.def
include chillo_zombie.def

Almost everything works fine, except the zombie skeleton. Only his walking and standing frames are voxelixed, but his attacking, death animation, corpse and his head frames arent voxelized. :(

Could you please try to merge all voxel packs released and create one big community voxel pack containing everything?


So I figured out why zombies are missing other voxel animations. Nblood log says "Maximum number of voxels (1024) already defined."
I guess Nblood loads voxels alphabetically, and because zombie voxels are the latest, they are missing. Thats a big problem for the future when you release more and more voxels, I think...

Good karma+5 votes
vykojust - - 8 comments @ EVICTION: Addon for Blood

Smashing job! One of the most creative mods out there, very detailed levels full of items (I use voxel packs), so every room looks filled, realistic. Also love the new enemies! I would love to see other modders to use them too. With new scrpits this is another level of Blood, yet still not so modern that it would ruin the original Blood feeling. The cave in The Hive was the most beautiful place in Blood I ever played. Cant wait for more levels of this outstanding episode. Thank you for making this.

Good karma+5 votes
vykojust - - 8 comments @ French Meat 2

Interesting combination of a horror game set in summertime vibes. Dont get me wrong, its still the Blood we love, but with that exotic atmoshpere, it brings new, fresh experience and it suprisingly works well. With new sky textures and music, this mod is very atmospheric (for example the second level has really nice summer evening vibe, and in third level, with the beautiful dusk sky, you really feel that story progress) The Jurassic park map was mindblowing, and easily the best one. Love this mod, and with the strange summer atmosphere, I will definitely play it again when there will be hot outside. Thank you!

Good karma+3 votes