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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ ac11b

So, I completely went through Rainbow Six 3 on windows 11, with all the mods installed from the manual Everything works fine except for a few uncritical bugs in ECT v2.074.
1. When Rainbow operators storm a room, if the front door to the room opens into the room (usually to the left), at the final stage of cleaning the room, Rainbow operators line up, and one of the fighters takes a position next to the open door, next to the door handle. At the moment of the next command action, this fighter moves to the upper end of the door.
This can be fixed, go to the door yourself and close it without giving any orders to the operators. But if the team is controlled by AI, then they hang there. You can see this bug in the "Training" section - "Cleaning rooms" in the first room with a terrorist.
2. Rainbow operators AI-controlled during the ascent /descent of the stairs, if shooting begins, the fighter on the stairs stops moving.
3. Rainbow operators AI-controlled after climbing or descending the stairs, regardless of the situation, the squad stops after a few steps.
You need to switch to their squad and then you can go back to your own, and they will continue their route.
4. Sometimes 1 AI-controlled Rainbow operator hovers in the air due to interaction with the environment. You can just push him off.
As I wrote above, this is of course quite annoying, but not critical. The game doesn't break. But if the much-respected as11b fixes these bugs, our gratitude to him will be boundless.
For clarification, I am using the ECT v2.074 version compatible with the Supply Drops made by TWI.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Elite Counter-Terror v2.074

So, I completely went through Rainbow Six 3 on windows 11, with all the mods installed from the manual Everything works fine except for a few uncritical bugs in ECT v2.074.
1. When Rainbow operators storm a room, if the front door to the room opens into the room (usually to the left), at the final stage of cleaning the room, Rainbow operators line up, and one of the fighters takes a position next to the open door, next to the door handle. At the moment of the next command action, this fighter moves to the upper end of the door.
This can be fixed, go to the door yourself and close it without giving any orders to the operators. But if the team is controlled by AI, then they hang there. You can see this bug in the "Training" section - "Cleaning rooms" in the first room with a terrorist.
2. Rainbow operators AI-controlled during the ascent /descent of the stairs, if shooting begins, the fighter on the stairs stops moving.
3. Rainbow operators AI-controlled after climbing or descending the stairs, regardless of the situation, the squad stops after a few steps.
You need to switch to their squad and then you can go back to your own, and they will continue their route.
4. Sometimes 1 AI-controlled Rainbow operator hovers in the air due to interaction with the environment. You can just push him off.
As I wrote above, this is of course quite annoying, but not critical. The game doesn't break. But if the much-respected as11b fixes these bugs, our gratitude to him will be boundless.
For clarification, I am using the ECT v2.074 version compatible with the Supply Drops made by TWI.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Elite Counter-Terror v2.074

Hello comrade! I discovered an annoying bug when Rainbow operators storm the room. If the entrance door to the room opens into the room (usually to the left), in the final phase of cleaning the room, the Rainbow operators line up and one of the fighters takes a position next to the open door, on the side of the door handle. At the moment of the next action of the team, this fighter appears on the upper end of the door. For now, this can be fixed by closing the door without giving any orders to the operators. But if the team is controlled by AI, then they hang there. You can see this bug in the section "Training" - "Cleaning rooms" in the first room with a terrorist. Please fix it if it's not difficult for you.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

Thank you very much, kind man!

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

I would like to return the color scheme (brown color filter) of the vanilla version, but leave all the graphic improvements of this mod, please tell me what changes in which file I should make.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Patched 2.2 (Enhanced) - Vanilla Combat

Thank you for the answer, and as I understand it during a taxi ride, at the intersection, when trucks with military personnel pass, a mercenary gets out of the jeep, trucks and jeep leave, and the mercenary stays, is this the same consequence of fashion?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Patched 2.2 (Enhanced) - Vanilla Combat

At the very beginning of the game, after receiving the first shelter task, a guard appeared at the checkpoint between the slaughterhouse and the shelter, which had not been there before. Is this normal or is it a bug?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

thanks a lot, I'll try to figure it out.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Realism+Redux

Due to various reasons, I use a Far Cry 2 patched, in principle, everything suits me except the player icon on the map and automatic recharge. Could you write detailed instructions on how to remove the player icon on the map and automatic recharge. If you don't mind.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Update incoming

Прекрасные новости мой друг! Я лишь хотел напомнить о баге текстуры неба в брифинге миссии "Река" (Деревня Бахнаров). Текстура не грузится и вызывает баг - белое небо. Я также сделал множество исправлений ошибок (своих и локализаторов) в тексте русской локализации. Если тебе интересно - дай знать, я скину ссылку. Планируешь ли ты исправить два досадных недочета игры: странное прицеливание только по мушке, а не через целик и мушку и добавить анимации перезарядки например Томпсон перезаряжается без передергивания затвора и тд.(во 2й части это исправлено и прицеливание и перезарядка правильные)

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

After installing patch 1.3 on the disk version, DRM protection is disabled. I also tried with the GOG version, but there is the same problem. I don't even have any thoughts about what the problem is, but I know that there are no such problems with the Steam version.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2 Realism+ Redux

Hello. I ran into a problem - when I tried to put this mod on the disk (license) version 1.3 + Fortunas pack, then I have the Wwwwwww line in the main menu and in the game itself, a transparent strip of half a centimeter is observed in the middle of the screen, especially visible when you put it on vegetation or trees. The stripe is available in both color versions of the mod. There is no vanilla version.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Найден баг. В стартовом ролике брифинга миссии "Река", (после "По Тлонг Карай") отсутствует скайбокс над лагерем Нуй Пек. После удаления файла 4, скайбокс есть. Очевидно текстура скайбокса не читается.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Do you know how to get the medal "Cross for Military Merit" as a result of the "twisty track drive" mission after the liberation of the LLDB outpost? All five soldiers at the outpost survived, but in the end there is no medal.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Итак, я нашел ошибку или недороботку. В аддоне Кулак Альфа, в миссии "Ночной караул", в блиндаже Дугласа (Хокинса) новые текстуры досок выстилающих стену есть не везде, около кровати и двери видны старые текстуры. Предложение: либо доработать, либо скажи мне пожалуйста название и адрес этих новых текстур и я их удалю.))) В остальном мне все нравиться и я очень доволен.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Create 3 shortcuts on the desktop. 1 for the main Vietcong game, 2nd rename Fist Alpha, 3rd Red Dаwn. Hover the cursor over the Fist Alpha shortcut, right-click - properties - in the object window you will see the address of the launching file: D:\Vietcong\vietcong.exe; add the signature of an addon to it. It should be like this - with a space!
D:\Vietcong\vietcong.exe -addon fistalpha
D:\Vietcong\vietcong.exe -addon reddawn

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

You're welcome! I was glad to help. Don't forget that the Vietcong have two DLC Fist Alpha - this is a prequel and Red Dаwn - a cut-out mission going right after the Ро Tlong Karai mission and mentioned in the Hokkins diary. I've been taking it once a year since 2005. This game is a real masterpiece - it's a pity that they don't do it anymore...By the way! In the Ho Chi Minh Trail mission, did you find all 5 of Charlie's hiding places?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

lol! Everyone who has played this game has faced your problem. I'll tell you a little secret: Hawkins has a flashlight in his inventory and you need to turn it on))) By default, the "L" key. I've heard about psychos who managed to get through tunnels wandering in the dark))) I myself seem to have reached the first room and I was immediately killed... How I laughed when my friend told me about the flashlight..

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

I installed the files: Cfg, Hradba and 1-9 Cbf from the English version to the Russian and everything works fine. The only thing I didn't notice was an increase in the distance of drawing objects as in the video. But everything else is there.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

I installed the files from the English version to the Russian version and everything works fine. If you need the Russian version, I can give you a link to the archive. I was correcting localization errors there and inserted phrases into Hawkins' diary that he was supposed to talk about objects in his dugout. For example, about the amulet that was given to him by the headman of the village of Jaray. But this feature was cut out by the developers, and the text remained, I inserted it into the diary.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Well, man, accept congratulations and heartfelt thanks! Excellent work! The textures are beautiful (The map of Vietnam in HD in the dugout is beautiful ), I even left the sounds of shots (the m-14 has what it needs!) therefore, I take my words back))). DSOAL works perfectly and I heard those sounds that didn't work before! Just great! The files of the English version have got up the Russian one as expected so far there are no complaints. Of the wishes, after all, to replace the developers' photos on the wall of the dugout with posters of naked girls from the barracks in Vietcong 2, for greater authenticity ))). Thank you so much again!

Good karma+2 votes
VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Hi! I installed the files from the mod and I had a couple of questions: 1. After installing the files in the game, for some reason, the language of the main character's commands to the fighters was replaced, although the main localization remained. 2. Why do you use VKStarter 1.6 when there is 1.7b and it fixes bugs of shading the bodies of the characters. 3 Is it possible to enable EAX in the game using DSOAL files?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

There is nothing yet. Are the files being moderated or are you still working on the mod? Will the mod support DLC Red Down?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

What's the problem? If it's only textures, in theory the text language, menu and voice acting should remain unchanged?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

As you probably remember, in the Hawkins dugout, on the right wall by the table there is a board on which photos of the game developers appear before various missions. And in the Vietсong 2, posters of various beautiful women hung on the walls in the barracks))). Could you replace the developers' photos with posters of women from Vietcong 2. For the sake of this, you can wait for more.)))

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

This is good news. I already thought that you would not release the mod because of the complexity of the location of the files. I myself once dug into them wanting to add songs to the radio, but realized that this was not an achievable task for me. I'm glad you're still working. When is the release planned?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Far Cry 2: Patched

I really liked your mod and I think it's the best option to fix the vanilla game (other mods change the game a lot and I don't like it), but I would like to ask you to make a variation of the mod without automatic reloading of weapons and without a player icon on the map, for the option without flashing objects. It seems to me that this is the maximum of necessary changes. If you do not have the desire or time for this work, could you write a detailed guide on how to do it yourself, taking into account that I am absolutely not competent in this.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Elite Counter-Terror v2.074

Helped than I could))) I don't even know what it's about))). As I already wrote, I came across this icon after installing Open Rvs 1.05. In 1.04, there was no such thing, and when I asked Twi what the reason was, he found it difficult to answer, although he was sure that Open Rvs had nothing to do with it. But later he wrote in the discord what I have given above. Maybe it makes sense for you to contact Twi for consultations?

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Elite Counter-Terror v2.074

I have this icon started to appear after installing OpenRvS version 1.05, if two teams are given weapons from Joey92.
.Twi — 20.08.2021
@.Legacy · @(m.a.n.g.o.) aka Rambo That is the engine's default icon for an Actor class. It can appear when a mod doesn't properly hide itself in-game. I've also seen it appear fairly randomly here and there, not sure why. But chances are the culprit is a mod.

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VinokurovAlex09 - - 169 comments @ Vietcong HD remaster

Colossal work! But adding a reshading seems to me a dubious idea. I hope that there will be selection options in the installation of the mod: textures, sounds and post-processing. Since the last two points are definitely a matter of taste. I am looking forward to the release. PS In Vietcong 2 there are many similar textures and they are better than in the first part. Yes, water shaders are much better, do you think it can be used in your work?

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