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RSS Reviews

Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb

Game review

When things happen just for the sake of dumb spectacle, instead of relying on more clever set pieces, you get something like the Emperor's Tomb. Flashy but ultimately dumb. While I still play The Infernal Machine after more than 20 years since its release, I can't force myself to replay this ever again.


Expanding Fronts

Mod review

Fantastic mod!
I'd just love to have the option to disable air vehicles to make a standard game against the AI more balanced. And I'd love to have the rest of the Battles of the Galaxy campaign.


Wolfenstein - Blade of Agony

Mod review

This is not a mod but a game in its own right, and an incredibly good one.
If you are a fan of Indiana Jones (and have a soft spot for The Temple of Doom, and the two games by Hal Barwood, Fate of Atlantis and The Infernal Machine) then you're going to love this game. I never thought I'd feel so much excitement while exploring huge and well constructed levels. This goes well beyond nostalgia! Thanks to the team for the amazing job.


Legends of the 3rd Age

Mod review

Fantastic mod! If you like BFME, you really must download this.