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Mass Effect 3 Console Commands

user2929 Blog

Made a new project. As you probably know, updating and managing something is much easier when it is done in a single place so here is an external link to my project.

It is a long list - colletcion of information and my tutorials about mass effect 3 console commands and keybinds. Last few months I've been working on some mods and helping others and have gathered lots of useful info. I thought: that should be shared. I couldn't find any databases on the internet so I started making one myself. Sorted information and added lots of comments from my experieces. All info is in text file, because it is easy to copy-paste commands and text in that format. To make the file browsable, I kinda separated main sections and added table of contets. For more info look in projects page. Down below you can watch the presentation video.

Mass Effect 3 mod

user2929 Blog

Mass Effect 3 Spectre Supermarket

Link to project:

I wanted to share a mod that i made for PC Mass Effect 3 Single player. I did not like that all items were locked until you complete missions. I wanted to unlock all items in the first gameplay, but in the next ones use all of them from the beginning of the story. Originally that was possible with the same character in the next playthrough. But I wanted to play different class character every time I started new story and in the first playthrough for every character all items have to be unlocked one by one during the whole story. I thought of a solution to make one of the stores in the Citadel a supermarket with all items. I chose it to be the Spectre store, because Spectres gets privilages and operate above the law. It felt appropriate that Spectres like Shepard could buy anything they needed for the sake of saving the galaxy.
Then I modified the coalesced.bin file in the way I liked it to be. I used masseffest3 coalesced editor and notepad++. It took a lot of time to figure out which combinations of values and codes worked, in which places to get them and in which place to put them, to create new entries for every item in the store, add them names. I restarted the game in the process more than hundred times. At the end I am finally satisfied with the results and ready to share it.
This video is the presentation of my mod. It shows the Mass Effect 3 mod with which you can buy all weapons, mods, new armor and additional casual outfits in Spectre store.
All the stuff in this "supermarket" is available on the first visit on Citadel. That way players can buy their favourite weapons and armor and play with it all the missions, all the story. Also, these items are just an addition. People can still buy them in the other stores after completed missions if they like it that way.

I want to thank Desolas Arterius. I used the meshes adresses from his mod to put in game additional casual outfits. I also used the appearance adresses he found for new armor and new headgear. What i did myself was adding bonus stats to them, adding helmets, making new store profiles and putting them in the store. I hope this mod will make already awsome game more enjoyable.

My first entry

user2929 Blog

Trying out, how blogging works.

I am new to this site and don't complitely understand all the terms, so i am not sure what exatcly is prohibited to post. So if moderators find something utterly unacceptable, please inform me.

My question is if I can share information or promote mods for games by writing a description of that mod and embedding a video from youtube. I will try to write a new post in this manner. If something is wrong, please inform me.