Ya can call me Toastie! Made Half-Alive for a little bit, still donno where that's going.

Comment History
Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

I'd love to do an RTX remix! Heck, many times during development I've been tempted to use Portal 2 textures and higher upscaled HL1 textures. I might still do that before release.
But yeah I'll look into an RTX remix when I can!

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Thanks for the criticism! I have a few notes.. Latest builds the outside lighting has been tuned and it looks much better. Also, Half-Alive is best experienced with HDR turned OFF. I'm gonna add more soundscapes, and every test will have some ambient music. The observation windows are breakable simply as a goof, but also different glass types in the game are effected differently by the gun. The observation glass just happens to be the kind breakable by the gun. I plan on adding a way to prevent players from still getting in the observation rooms though.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ Before and After from Two Years Ago...

Interesting, though I'd like to replace the Barney model rather than the Citizens for that one.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ Before and After from Two Years Ago...

Not a bad idea! Thanks for the link.
(Wow! This is the same person who made the Gordon Freeman model I use)

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ Before and After from Two Years Ago...

Possibly, I'm no good at modeling personally so I'll see what I can do. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE: Early Build Playthrough

WOW this is old.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ Fighting an Army of Mantis Men - Teaser

Yeah that be the joke. The game's about multiverses so why not? heh!

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE: Halloween DEMO

I had made a build of Half-Alive that ran in the Source SDK so that I could better implement Half-Life 2's mechanics, but it probably would have needed some more work to get everything working correctly. There were strange audio and visual glitches when I made that build, not to mention it required having Portal and the SDK installed in order to get the mod to work. In the end it's just simpler for me and for the end user for it to just be a Portal mod, even if I have to suffer some limitations like no combine, or regenning health.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE: Halloween DEMO

I'll definitely keep difficulty in mind while I try to remaster/add more tests to the opening of the game. The suit chargers are very interesting in Portal, since the turrets can drain it incredibly quickly. It doesn't help the fact that the game auto-regens health, it practically renders the chargers useless! Heh

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE: Halloween DEMO

Run and jump off the platform, then hold crouch mid-air. This gives you just a bit more air-time.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE: Halloween DEMO

You unzip the file, and inside you should have two folders, "Half-Alive-Halloween-Demo", and "Halloween-Demo-Steam-Artwork + Controller Config".
Place "Half-Alive-Halloween-Demo" inside sourcemods on your C drive and make sure you have Portal installed. Then just restart Steam.
You can place the steam artwork folder wherever you'd like, heck you can throw it away if you have no need for it.
The same instructions apply to the latest Hazard Course demo, except the file names are different.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

You unzip the file, and inside you should have two folders, "Half-Alive-Halloween-Demo", and "Halloween-Demo-Steam-Artwork + Controller Config".
Place "Half-Alive-Halloween-Demo" inside sourcemods on your C drive and make sure you have Portal installed. Then just restart Steam.
You can place the steam artwork folder wherever you'd like, heck you can throw it away if you have no need for it.
The same instructions apply to the latest Hazard Course demo, except the file names are different.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Both Into the Multiverse and Half-Alive are based on the same Cave Johnson quote from Portal 2. I actually played ITM a long time ago, its very fun! But I'm taking a rather different approach in Half-Alive.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Try holding crouch after you jump from the platform

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Glad you like it :)

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

That's odd, I can't replicate the glitch and neither can my testers in that build of the game. Have you tried playing the Hazard Course through the Halloween Demo?

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Like there's no portal gun just after you get the gravity gun?

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE


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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

I actually played Into The Multiverse a long time ago before it was even re-uploaded to the workshop. I loved the idea and yes, the story is based on the same quote. However Half-Alive takes a much different turn than ITM did.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

I'm planning to keep most of the original half life maps relatively the same with some very minor changes. This is so in this universe Blaperture was just kinda built on top of most of Black Mesa.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

That's not actually something I ever thought about. While I have some ideas, I think it would be best for players to come up with their own theories when the game releases!

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

As much as I'd love to give you a release date, I feel like it is still not even halfway done. I am however working on a demo that I hope to release soon!

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ Regular Update #4

Thanks! I needed to hear that.

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Toastie-X3 - - 24 comments @ HALF - ALIVE

Thanks for the tips! I'll keep the office stuff in mind for later, and I was really wondering how to disable the hud for the screenshots. Thanks again!

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