I'm a good hearted Lets player with many goals,I daily do a Minecraft video with my best friend,TheEmerald64-Randy-And many other co-op games with him.Please Sub if you like my video,If you don't please tell why.I use Fraps to record,Sony Vegas pro 11 to edit, Skype on co-op games,and a studio mic to record me.I've been learning Java and c++ and if I design a game or mod I'll post it here goal 1: to get reconized by the lets playing community and get inside the inner circle goal 2: to provide helpful,funny, and informative info goal 3:To become a pro at all types of Games! more misc. info on me: 1. I like to use proper grammer, but I use leat. Since Youtube is a n00b, I will show the main planned LPs Main Planned: vvvvv minecraftco-op with random guests FOREVER terraria co-op with random guests all half-life/portal games many indie games all Valve game Many more indie games

RSS Reviews

Portal: Vocaloid Edition

Mod review

Miku Hatsune FTW!


Half-Life 2

Game review

Serious Sam: The First Encounter

Game review