A man who is a crack-shot with any firearm, proficient with throwing knives and unarmed combat. This is also a serious bad ass who won't start the fight, but will sure as hell finish it. He has won every fight he ever fought. Ryan is a survivalist who is prepared for anything, be it nuclear attack, chemical/biological attack, anarchy, or brought on by the extremely unlikely occurrnce of zombies. He is a good friend who will back you up if your in a pickle, but do not piss him off, as he is dead serious and dosent soon forget. He knows the liberals are going to destroy society. A common quote: "Fuck the world, let it burn!"

RSS Reviews

Steel Legion - Armageddon

Mod review

Battle of the Bulge

Mod review

Blitzkrieg Mod

Mod review

A Simply amazing mod. EF is great to its limits ie, it uses vanniala gameplay and effects, but this, right here is what company of hereos should be and what it should look like I would rate this mod higher if it were possiable.