RSS Reviews

Half-Life 2 : MMod

Mod review may contain spoilers

- Amazing New look, a worthy update for the HL2 in modern gaming.
- Better gunplay
- Smarter AI
- Customizable
- AR2 is properly made
- Crossbow has better model
- AR3 is fun to have
- Tau-Cannon is removable

- Gravity Gun SFX is off-center when moving. This is noticable while moving with an active Supercharged Gravity Gun without grabbing any object.
- Some Scripts are messed up, like EP1 escort cannot be finished w/o cheatcodes.
- A bit more balance improvement is needed
- Missing weapons; OICW, AR1, and SLAM (false advertizing for OICW and AR1)
- Tau Cannon barely has ammo. It's only either all of ammo or none of it.
- Ironsight isn't really iron-sight.
- Muzzle-Based Projectile origin is off-center, this is more clearer when using Crossbow.
- AR3 cannot be dropped preemptively.

- Introduce Tau Cannon ammo box sprinkled around the maps.
- Introduce OICW, AR1, and SLAM as optional new weapons.

- Balance OICW vs AR1 vs SMG1 vs AR2 like this:

> Metro-Police, Civilian Citizen, Rebel Medics use SMG1
> Combine Soldier uses AR2 and Shotgun, SMG1 is replaced with OICW.
> Rebel Citizen uses AR1 and Shotgun, SMG1 on rare occasions.

> AR1 and Pistol share ammo, Pistol are barely being used late-game anyways.
> SMG1 and OICW share ammo, it's a balance between accuracy and rof instead.

> AR1: 8 DMG,550 RPM, 30 rd-mag, less-accurate than Pistol but more accurate and less recoil than AR2.
> SMG1: 5 DMG, 857 RPM, 90 RPM grenade, 40 rd-mag.
> OICW: 5 DMG, 666 RPM, 444 RPM (scoped_, 60 RPM (grenade), 30 rd-mag, more-accurate than SMG1, has Scope (via ironsights), and flatter grenade trajectory.
> AR2: 10 DMG, 666 RPM, 40 RPM Altfire, less accurate than AR1.

With this, you can justify the existence of new weapons because of different variety, of niche, without making either obsolete. SMG1 has the edge of sustained dps and higher damage, but OICW has edge on range and accuracy. AR1 uses the pistol ammo that is rarely used endgame, while keeping AR2 relevant because of being just more powerful.