I am Mitch, it is the name I was given when I was born, Mind blowing I know. I am 15, so all you pedos... I am getting too old for you, I am sorry, I really am. I live in a little tiny town in Australia called Melbourne, I have lived there most my life. I have my friends who I love bloody heaps, but I am always open to making new friends, so send me a message or do what ever you do on here to make friends. I fricken love indie games, Project Zomboid is actually amazing (Go get it if you haven't), tho I do have some ideas for it but great minds think alike so I reckon they will think of it one day. Tis coming to the end of my bio, if you have read this all and are still here reading. You are obviously interested insomething, so add me. I wont bite..... Except that one occasion...... But that is behind us now anyway. -Peace-

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Project zomboid never fails after enw update

ThatMitchGuy Blog

Greetings lads,

So I haven't posted a blog since ANZAC day, I have been busy moving and doing important stuff. So I get internet not much due to moving, but I was at a friends house the other day, and I noticed PZ has FIIIINNNAAALLLLYYYY been updated.

MY GAWD, The Indie stone. Have my babies!

The new update adds so much realism into the game that everytime I play it I need to clean my pants. Now everything is easier to operate, the AI are amazing and super OP (which is good), the Graphics are at good standards, it's neater and a lot more fun to play. I have been playing it basicaly all night, and my lawd. I will be walking around in the city then

ThatMitchGuy wrote: "HOLY FUCK!!"

a horde is sitting in the middle of the road ready to beat my ass down, so I leg it to an appartment complex, hide inside then the horde busts through and spanks my ass. This is the best zombie game I have played to be honest, there are not 50-million controls that I have to use to drink water, the inventory system is neat and easy to use. saying that I have found a few bugs, one which includes me being on the top floor of a building, merging though the top floor wall right onto the lawn outside with out harm... Until 30 seconds later where I find out I broke both my legs and my unborn fetus was aborted. There are a few more which I will not name and I will make you guys find by playing more or buying the AMAZING game. Now I am off to play more and surf the web and everyones opions and watch TUT-OR-I-ALS on how to be a mother flucking pro!

Alright guys and girls lets call it a night.



ThatMitchGuy Blog

My respect goes to all those who have/had family in the Defence forces that protect Australia. Now me, I am born and raised in an ADF family, all 4 of my uncles and my Dad are in the Navy, my grandparents were in the wars in the Army and my great great something was the head of one of the navy fleets that led England to Australia. Today I marched infront of 3000+ people including the Mayor of my town and the Major General of the Australian Army, I did this out of respect to those who have died in any wars, conflicts or peace keeping operations. I also did it for those who have returned from wars to tell us about what happened, even if sickness got the best of them, the ones who returned are forgotten to much nowadays. These brave men and women who protect our country, the ones who make Australia free! They risk/ed their lives for US. So to me they are the highest in my book of respect and honor, without them. We wouldn't be here, and we wouldn't have this great country.

Lest we forget!


Boston bombings!!

ThatMitchGuy Blog

So this morning was quite interesting, I awoke to see my news feed on Facebook full of all this boston stuff.

I was like "Woah, North Korea really do have it in them! 0.o", but supposidly it isn't N. Korea. I am not meaning to dis-respect anyone or hurt anyone in any way. But one explosion in America = bloody end of the world, yet twenty bombs in Iraq killing multiple innocent people minding their own buisness = not even two seconds of air time. It just annoys me how America is getting all this help from this, yet Iraq,ect get nothing.

But anywhore I can not change America, just stating my opinion.
To those who have Family/Friends that were injured, I wish for them to recover to the best that they can.

R.I.P to those who did die.


Annother page with news about this is "Just for you!"
Click this button!
Just for you!

This bloody game I own.

ThatMitchGuy Blog

So I brought Flashpoint Operation Dragon Rising.... Worst mistake of the year.
Holy mother fucking shit.
The game is near impossible to beat, to all you people reading like "I have beat that you're a mega noob I bet that in 1 minute, newfag", you must rember I do not spend a majority of my time infront of consoles, I am a PC lad.

So this game Flashdick operation erect-penis rising, is the hardest bitch to play. The AI is completely retarded, you say 'Follow me' and he goes and chases butterflys in the bloody enemys back yard. Not only does the AI do that, but they have a terrible ability to shoot the enemy that is standing no shit 5 feet infront of them.

Also another point, if it is quiet, expect to get butt fucked by the enemy . I will be walking doing my own thing all quiet and ninja like, not even god could see me, but this little fucker will shoot me from a mile back in the head... in the pitch black. If you snipe him, a fucking Helo comes and shoves annother dick in.

The game would be good if I don't know, it wasn't so hard. This game is so hard it should be the bloody mascot for the mardi gras. But if you're up for making a Rage Video (Cough Couch Rooster Teeth), go ahead because this shit will ruin your life.

Anywho, I will be going now Lads.


So I thought of a new song for Lil' Wayne.

ThatMitchGuy Blog

Now it would need to be sung, maybe with an acustic guitar behind strumming softly. His voice humming making it sound serious and deep. The guitar will stop, the lyrics will flow from his mouth:

"Yolo, Swag, Hashtag money swag, I was left when I was 2 to fight the yolo swag men. Yolo, hashtag swag! Yeah Yolo, hashtag, swag! I don't even know my Dad, or my Mum because I grew up in Harlem. I don't even smoke weed, but I love the stuff when I inject it. Because Yolo swag nigga, organge, door hinge, six inch!"

Yeah so I though that was a lyrical masterpiece.
I hope Lil' Wayne can make this a real song oneday.


Inb4 h8rs m8

I love you!