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Comment History
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ Hard Core Tactical Mod

Guys, how really is that patch? Repeated missions are removed or improved? Bigger fuckups that were before are fixed? I just wanna to ask those who tried, it has been some time, and im thinking if it is worth to replay this mod in this upgraded form

Good karma+1 vote
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ Hard Core Tactical Mod

Great thanks, u were right. I forgot that i have polish translation of original CoD 2, i guess that was the problem. Now everything looks just fine, u dont know how irritating it was ;D

So, see ya in version 2.0 then ;)

Good karma+3 votes
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ Hard Core Tactical Mod

Well, i wouldnt even be looking for mods like that, if i were just some beginner interested in shooting and running. To be clear - i finished this mod in 2018, so i know what i saw, and the AI isnt a problem at all. Also what i didnt know, is that you are not the map maker, and this fact change a lot. Its the best version of WW2 Call of Duty's at the moment anyway. Playing since 2004 makes me some kind of veteran i suppose. Also, i ve been millitary hothead since my childhood. Yes, during the battle, soldiers can be outnumbered what can be caused by many factors, but still - it doesnt explain why they keep coming from walls inside building i've just cleared 2 times. There isnt any realism in that and as i said - when u finish it, and you have to do this second, third time on the same map, but for example not during nightfall, only in daytime - it can be annoying. Of course from what can i see - any complaints to the credits, not to you.

I would offer u some maps, but my mapping skills are rather limited plus i dont have time to learn stuff like that. I just prefer that if its done by experienced guy, it should be decent. Flooding small area with endless spawn waves is in my opinion amateur if it occurs too often. I'm making movies and game series (thats my strength) and i would not feel good with myself with doing it in Windows Movie Maker or by adding too silent/noisy music, because the fact that there is music is important and fck everythin else. Just an example of course, but it works here as well. For me - there are great missions, and there are just bad missions.

Anyway, best of luck with doing this, i admire your passion to the game which is that old, and not very popular any longer. If im here, i have to ask one other thing - every map in my menu has missing names. Is it normal, or i ****** up something while installing? Last year, after returning to this mod after week of break, i couldnt even guess which mission i was playing. Each one names "MENU_MISSION_LEVEL_TITLE" with numbers inside, and at the end. Any fix for this?

Good karma+2 votes
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ Hard Core Tactical Mod

Looking forward for the next version.

Well, i hope that u will at least reduce amount of those "slaughter" places, when u have whole divisions of soldiers coming from one room, and spawning over, and over again. And many missions in the same places as well.

Good karma+2 votes
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ WarFront 3.5 FULL

Is there a way to reduce amount of crashes? I dont know if it's my or the mod's fault, by i often have game crashes while loading random maps. Sometimes you have to try few times, and then map loads after few crashes, and sometimes its impossible to even play on this map.

Good karma+2 votes
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ Warfront v3.4 Patch

Have you fixed AI since full release? Im just downloading those patches and im wondering if this was improved in any way. I must say, that AI of enemy tankers is worthless in fact, blind shooting every time, and their time of reaction is super (not)awesome. Mod's really helluva good job, but those bugs are not something cool. And sometimes, armor penetration is unclear for me. I mean situations, like Panther getting knocked out by Stuart with 3 hits from a distance. I hope this will be patched.

Good karma+1 vote
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ HCTM Brutal WWII Reality by FeRu

No to w takim razie rozumiem. Walka jak najbardziej oddaje klimacik, to można zdecydowanie pochwalić. Jeszcze se przypomniałem o tych respach jedynie. O ile w przypadku takiego ogromnego contentu mozna wybaczyć jakies tam bugi, jak konieczność restartowania mapki czy jakis tam błąd w skryptach (tak mi się wydaje) przez który niektóre misje po zakończeniu się nie wyłączają, i gra jest pozostawiona sama sobie, o tyle jednak no, kwestia respawnu wrogów to dosc duzy kłopot. Często całe bataliony przeciwników tworzą się na oczach gracza w jednym ciasnym pokoju, nawet po wyczyszczeniu go kilkakrotnie. W sytuacji gdy kompanom nie włączy się kontrolka "idź za graczem" i gdy zostają na początku misji, można dosłownie potykać się samemu z całymi dywizjami niekończących się żołnierzy wychodzących z tych samych miejsc. W takich momentach gra przypomina jakiegoś Serious Sama, czy inną kompletną rzeź. Może coś się poprawi w przyszłości, w końcu ogromny projekt jakby nie patrzeć, wiadomo bylo ze cos nie będzie działać.

Good karma+1 vote
Sznurex - - 8 comments @ HCTM Brutal WWII Reality by FeRu

I can only say after all, that this is awesome modification. However, i have some things to mention about. First of all, copying the same missions. Right now, im after maybe 100-120 missions completed, and it was really unneccesary to copy-paste the same scenarios, just playing as another army, or just changing the daytime (it was especially irritating in more difficult missions). I guess that some of players did the same thing that i (after few happenings like that i started to skip those missions) but for ones who wanted to complete mod in 100% that wasnt best thing for sure. And afteeer so many scenarios, it is really annoying to deal with this ****. U could at least change objectives in second,third missions played on the same maps, despite of doing it just for numbers. That's one thing, and the second one - maybe only i have this issue, but why EVERY mission name is missing in "select mission" menu, and every time i need to read MENU_BLAHBLAH_BLAHBLAH_[number of mission] ? With that amount of missions its impossible to remember what one are u playing on. I hope that this is just my mistake in installing the mod, cuz it is really ******. When i came back to this mod after 2 months, i was completely confused, which mission is where. Fix this, if it is a mod problem. For me, everything else is well-made and everyone should be happy that we, old CoD players can still get something great from 14 years old game.

Good karma+1 vote