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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 53)
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Busy Hands Detection and Blame

If it offers any insight:

i was playing around to see why
[tch_part_con]:tch_part cannot be
;[tch_part_con]:af_base (is commented out in vanila configs)

so i made hide_bloodsucker to be a component of an outfit. The mechanics work ok (follows outfit's degradation, works equiped on belt etch) but when dissasembling the outfit it gives this:

greh_ps5_outfit taken with id 4145 [2]
* Register UI: UIInventory
* Unregister UI: UIInventory
* Register UI: UIInventory
Prefer Best Disassembly Tool: Calling override GetItemList [2]
Artefact props: no saved config found for hide_bloodsucker4405
! you are trying to use a destroyed object [4145]
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] section
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...amedata\scripts\zz_ui_inventory_better_stats_bars.script(1257) : ShowBonusStats
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...amedata\scripts\zz_ui_inventory_better_stats_bars.script(1591) : update_gui
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ...amedata\scripts\zz_ui_inventory_better_stats_bars.script(1612) :
! [LUA] 4 : [C ] pcall
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] .../0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\dxml_core.script(160) : try
! [LUA] 6 : [Lua] ...amedata\scripts\zz_ui_inventory_better_stats_bars.script(1610) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 7 : [Lua] ...s/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : base_make_callback
! [LUA] 8 : [Lua] ...s/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\a_rax_wd.script(50) : make_callback
! [LUA] 9 : [Lua] ...0 games/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(118) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 10 : [Lua] ...s/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\bind_stalker_ext.script(263) :
* Unregister UI: UIInventory

And seems to be doing it only if i drag (+alt) the dissamble tool over the outfit. If i right click, dissasemble (+alt) seems ok.
Might be because alt key is used in Better Stats as well. So it fires when the outfit is being destroyed.

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Old World Mosin

i give you a "10" for the " because the Zone just felt incomplete without it." Indeed.

Good karma+3 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

Thank you sir for your kind words

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

i'm a friend of sunny weather and not so into the Misery templates, even though the concept is understandable. If you decide to use it you can easily desaturate it.

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

you can download the update

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

ok got it it's the minimaping. I'm going to upload an update since i found 1 exoseva i had forgoten to add and you will probably be ok afterwards.

Good karma+3 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

what problem do you have? can you upload a screenshot somewhere? Also what screen resolution do you use?

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

Рад, что вам понравилось

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

1. check your modlist if you have any other mod changing portraits.
2. check if you have a mod changing any of the files in 99 folder. If the listing of the characters is different than how it is either in Hd models files or vanila the icons will be wrong

dltx handles .ltx files dxml handles .xml files (different file types, different approach).

-The dltx part of my mod does one thing (change outfit icons for the player in the outfits.ltx files),
-the dxml ones change the npcs icons

I have them seperately for better control of what does what

you can try to install folders 99 to see if you have conflicts in Mod Organiser. If so case No2 might be the problem

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

Thanks. No i didn't chase them :) I called the models ingame through actor visuals. The posing part got a bit boring, and i had in mind more the informative part (trying to show details) rather the aesthetic one. I might be doing improvements in the future. My focus was basically to get it up and working. What is the signature noise for?

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Portraits Overhaul 1.2 for HD Models [DLTX, DXML,vanila]

1.2 (Mar 12th, 2024)
-added a version without faction badges (as requested)

1.1 (Mar 5th, 2024)
-added forgotten duty exoseva portrait
-fixed ecologists simulation#5 typo
-added pda resembling screen noise effect (as requested)

1.0 (Feb 13th, 2024)
-initial release

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Devices of Anomaly Redone (UPDATE 4.1)

ok found it. There is a typo somewhere so as you can see it is searching for "$nosound" when the file in the unpacked folder is "$no_sound" (with underscore).
I pasted a file named $nosound in the root gameplay folder and the error is gone. Not a perfect solution since i didn't find the typo but the error is gone. Thanks

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Devices of Anomaly Redone (UPDATE 4.1)

it's giving out these two in the console:

! [LUA] File not found "c:/00 games/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\sounds\$nosound.ogg"!
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] sound_object
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] ...s/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\xr_sound.script(628) : get_safe_sound_object
! [LUA] 2 : [main] ...0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\item_radio.script(155) :
! [LUA] 3 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 4 : [main] 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\catsy_nerfs_mcm.script(9) :
! [LUA] 5 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 6 : [Lua] ...mes/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\ui_mcm.script(310) : gather_options
! [LUA] 7 : [Lua] ...mes/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\ui_mcm.script(208) : init_opt_base
! [LUA] 8 : [Lua] 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\ui_main_menu.script(26) :
! [LUA] 9 : [C] [C](-1) :


! Fallback to default bump map: item\item_diolator_flashlight_bump#

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ [1.5.2] Anomaly Modded Exes Engine Mod (LINK IN DESCRIPTION)

i'm trying to run this:

function on_game_start()
RegisterScriptCallback("on_specific_character_init", function(character_id, data)

if character_id == "sim_default_renegade_1_default_20"
then data.visual = "actors\stalker_renegade\stalker_bandit_8"


but it's giving out this:

! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 1 : [main] .../0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\dxml_core.script(400) :
! [LUA] ...nomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\modxml_visual_blank.script:5: invalid escape sequence near '"actors'
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 1 : [main] .../0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\dxml_core.script(400) :
! [SCRIPT ERROR]: ...nomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\modxml_visual_blank.script:5: invalid escape sequence near '"actors'
! [ERROR] --- Failed to load script modxml_visual_blank

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Anomaly HD Models Addon [DLTX]

Hi, there is a small mistake in sim_default_renegade_1_default_20 . It is pointing to:
actors\ stalker_""""bandit"""""\stalker_bandit_8,
and not:
where you have it's mesh. I don't know if it is intentional. Thought I let you know.

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Headgear Animations v0.9.2

I would ask the same thing, if it possible to play both animations, first the Unequip, and then the Equip, or to go directly to Equip (rather than playing only the Unequiped) (of the currently equiped).
Equip :)

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ [DLTX] Plastic Crafted Armour Inserts 0.91


v. 0.91 : Corrected the ingame description making it more clear when in craft menu for which items are required.

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Artefact Degradation 2.01 [for 1.5.2]

do you know what needs to change so that when you click in the inventory at a stacked group of artefacts/attachments you can see on the left side (where the bars are) the items individually? (Like when you have 2 vodkas, and by clicking them you can see them individually). Because if you have say 4 of the same artefacts but with different condition each, you cannot see-click on the one you want. It's a feature in vanila as well but haven't found yet where it can be changed.

edit: use_condition -= true

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Crafting Info in Tooltips

Hi i found a strange bug.
(You can skip this part but describes the "why": I changed the crafting recipes and in none of them bandages are used as a component of crafting something. Yet when i hoover over a bandage it shows "used in crafing: (_blank_ )=nothing". In order to see if i had a typo i deleted gradually every entry in recipes but it percisted. So i finally deleted the only thing that could cause it at the bottom of the file which is item combinations)


vodka:prt_o_fabrics_4 = bandage
prt_o_fabrics_4:vodka = bandage

And now the problem was solved. So for some reason when this is active bandage shows up as a component of crafting _nothing_. Vodka or fabrics would make sence to show "used in crafting" if item_combinations is included in the script.

I tried to keep the explanation as short as possible, yet descriptive.

Good karma+2 votes
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ New levels 0.53

This was the end, forgot to paste. I'll try to reproduce it to figure out what's wrong.

* End of synchronization A[1] R[1]
intro_delete ::update_game_loaded
* Register UI: UIInventory
! [LUA] CEntityAlive : cannot access class member CScriptGameObject::GetHealth!
! [LUA] 0 : [C ] __index
! [LUA] 1 : [Lua] .../anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\factionid_hud_mcm.script(518) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 2 : [Lua] ...s/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 3 : [Lua] ...0 games/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 4 : [Lua] ...0 games/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(151) : Register_UI
! [LUA] 5 : [Lua] 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(130) : originalUIinvenory_start
! [LUA] 6 : [Lua] ...maly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\zzz_ea_addon_backpack.script(217) : start
! [LUA] 7 : [Lua] 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\ui_inventory.script(64) : func_or_userdata
! [LUA] 8 : [Lua] ...s/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\axr_main.script(271) : make_callback
! [LUA] 9 : [Lua] ...0 games/0 games/anomaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\_g.script(119) : SendScriptCallback
! [LUA] 10 : [Lua] ...omaly 1.5.2\gamedata\scripts\actor_menu_inventory.script(53) :
* Unregister UI: UIInventory
stack trace:

at address 0x000000014027AD21
stack trace:

at address 0x000000014027AD21

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ New levels 0.53

was in Rostok, trying to fast travel to Garbage, game was crashing (haven't visited the new levels yet). Walking there did the job. Only conflict i have is with Raven's Guide Task fix addon (task_guide.script).

This is the log i was getting:

~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------

... axr_main.script (line: 247) in function 'callback_set'
... _g.script (line: 105) in function 'RSC'
... dxml_core.script (line: 226) in function 'RegisterScriptCallback'
... dialogs_redemption_storyline.script (line: 2074) in function 'on_game_start'
... axr_main.script (line: 320) in function 'on_game_start'
... _g.script (line: 83) in function <... _g.script:74>
~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Might ring a bell :)

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ COMPLETE Helmet Removal DLTX


Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ COMPLETE Helmet Removal DLTX

I think this one doesn't even exist in-game. In vanila files it doesn't give any parts at all (like the Protecta for example). Maybe you have a mod that adds new outfits, because in my vanila files that suit is just a Debug Mode dummy.

Good karma+1 vote
lonerzoner - - 53 comments @ Separated Helmets and Outfits for Anomaly 1.5.2

Indeed. I also checked your parts.ltx there were no helmets there. But on each new game, i had the scientist suit without helmets, and sevas with. Might have been a different mod changing the parts.ltx, the thing is i don't remember any of them changing such a thing as the scientist's helmet for example. Thought that a DLTX patch is a faster appoach than searching for a conflict not appearing as such.

Good karma+1 vote