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Comment History
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Raxus Prime: Junk Yard Glamor Shots

Holy cow! Raxus Prime is probably one of the most underrated events during the clone wars.although sadly it may be in the EU.. this lives on in my memories with my clone wars game i had on the original xbox

Good karma+2 votes
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Battlefront Halation Roadmap

Now this is the ****!

Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ WINTER CONTINGENCY

Please put a demo out soon or something! Please!

Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ A New Frontier 1.1

im trying to play the game but cant. i installed everything where they need to be but i dont see anything in the game, plz help :/

Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ 501st Sniper. Basic units almost complete

Will there be more legions and battalions based on each planet for diversity?? Cuz each and every clone legion and battalions are cool af!

Good karma+3 votes
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ New Passenger Gunship


Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Legends costumes

...... you've done yourself again.... I WANT THIS!!!

Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Shiny armors


Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Realistic textures by a famous modder

OMG IM SOLD!! When are you gonna come close to finishing the mod and releasing it????

Good karma+1 vote
Sharphotxxx29 - - 10 comments @ Battlefront 3

Hey guys, im a HUGE FAN of the star wars franchise and i was really upset when they canceled battlefront 3... EA can go suck Disney's ****. Anyways!!, i want to get some things out for you guys to consider with this "Full game" since that's what your trying to achieve and also make the dreams of thousands of people being able to play battlefront 3 a reality. i want to get a few ideas out there and hopefully you can consider them and hear me out, unlike dice and ea not listening to people for jack **** even tho they said they "listen" to people -_-
I want to say that some new game modes would be really cool but you dont have to add them now, maybe later as additional content for us to download and add for the experience.
I would like to say for the first game mode to be similar to battlefields rush but in a different way too. It can be where one side is on the ground defending against a large invasion from space from another faction and the ground forces dont have any air support but they do have anti-air turrets that people can man.
Also, as the attackers comes down from space and gains ground, when they capture a certain command post, another ship from the attackers will come in as additional reinforcements and will be an additional command post for units to spawn. But if the defenders defend long enough, a ship from their side will appear in space and the defenders will gain air support and then the defenders will have a better chance at defending. Btw the clone wars era would be perfect for that cuz it can switch off between both the droids and clones, its because they both have their own specific gunships. imperials dont really have a gunship of their own made for ground combat unlike the clones gunships and droids for space to ground combat. For the civil war between the rebels and imperials, they can have a walker assault similar to the battlefront we have now buuuutttt we can make it better but in our own way, and i mean our "own way" as the mod community and the gaming community. Customization options would also be very nice, i would love to customize my clone in may ways and give him different colors and looks in my own way and image. but im also sure that many other people would love to customize their droid or rebel and eve imperials. That would be COOL!!
I would like you guys to consider making to where in skirmish modes, that we can destroy enemy capital ships so that one side can have the edge, that kind of side mission would make matches alot more intense and fun since you would also have to work on defending your ship or attackig the enemy ship.
Galactic conquest should be similar to what i was talking about with rush but a little different. When an attacking fleet comes to invade and take over a world, there may or may not be a defending fleet over that planet. if there is no defending fleet then it could be a cakewalk for the attackers since they have space control but the defenders have some ships on the planet so that they could retaliate and defend against some of the ships and the attackers will have some trouble in the air. If the defending fleet is there, then it would make the attacker shave a harder time to get their gunships to the ground as soon as possible and gain ground which sound like a cool idea lol. Anyways, the defenders will always have anti air turrets on any planet they are being invaded on. I know you may be wondering about the galactic conquest for the rebels and imperials and how they would have transports for ground combat. Honestly, if you guys ever played "Star Wars Empire at War", you can see what the imperials use for landing crafts, and for the rebels you can change that up on your own free will since you guys are the ones making this game. Its hard knowing what to use for the rebels for space to ground combat haha.
I would also wish that in Galactic conquest, the player gets to choose which legion or colors he wants for his armies and space force. i would defiantly would love to go into galactic conquest as the clones and go in as the 212th attack battalion. Anyways, im sure people would love that too when they play galactic conquest. im sure at this point you guys know i love the clone wars era buut i still love the whole star wars franchise all together!!
One last thing to consider, make it an option in skirmish mode to where we can mix up sides, like clones vs imperials and droids vs rebels, that would be legit!!

I hope you guys read this and consider it, i know it may see alot but just know your gonna make alot of people's dreams come true with battlefront 3 man!! Your gonna put alot of smiles on people's faces including mine.
You can do so much with this game so thats even more to consider.

Gooodluck with the game and as always, may the force be with you all, always!

Good karma+2 votes