I enjoy all sorts of games. Some of my favorites would Payday 2, Battlefield 1942, Hotline Miami, and Fallout. Don't really expect anything from this profile, I typically use the nexus or the workshop, but I felt like expanding and browsing the data base for the sake of it. Thats about all there is to it, really.

RSS Reviews

Equestria at War

Mod review

Despite the fact that this mod is still in development, it shows a sizable amount of polish and work contributed into its making. What really makes stand out is that isn't a random mlp country hap-haphazardly slapped onto the map in the HoI basegame, but rather a complete overhaul of the game, with a new map, new countries, new focuses, and the like. It still has a fair share of issues, but that should be expected for a mod that is still in development. The premise isn't for everyone, but that still isn't a reason to hate it. It's worth a play if you're interested in testing it out for yourself.