I am the programmer / designer of SYNTH. (Rhys Hovey) A C64/COCO2 kid at heart (I think I'm still a 64 kid :),. I've worked at several games companies,. EA,Ubisoft,Rockstar,Climax,.. and "others",.. I've worked very hard to try to bring you a unique experience with SYNTH(tm),. check it out,.. but make sure you have a good CPU and GPU :),.. Making this 3D game and it's graphics all with C++ programming, left optimization secondary :) (it's not that bad though) it's an 8 thread app :)

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SYNTH is a new alternative video game for a high-end MS windows PC's. SYNTH was designed and developed by Rhys Paul Hovey. In it's current version (1.666...