Avid Unreal fanatic since 1998. Member Team-4-Play 1998 to 2004. Author of T4P Playerskins and VoicePack for UT2004.

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Teddy Update

Rainlander Blog

i finally got in touch with Chris Ollis and received His blessing to distribute the Teddy model for UT 2003/2004.

His Homepage:http://www.attz93.dsl.pipex.com/
Check it out and have some fun.

I am planning on retrieving the Mayonaise Voice Pack from the corrupted Hard drive,
I really hated losing this information after all the planning,research and recording time.
If necessary My Son and I will redo it from the ground up and then release Mayo2K4 to install over the Teddy model.

Happy Fragging!

DR2 and L4D

Rainlander Blog

I saw this a while ago and got excited then I remembered the turnaround on Duke Nukem Forever.
I've waited twelve years for Duke,guess I'll wait for Dead Rising2 and try to be happy.

Left 4 Dead.
This little jewel came out the 18th of November.
Here is a clip from the X-box 360 version:

This looks like fun but endless fighting only goes so far,I hope there is a story.
Four player co-op,nice!
This might be like Mysterials UT2004RPG if so then I am there.


Rainlander Blog

Hello and welcome.
This is My first Post ever,anywhere.
Since its the week before Thanksgiving here in the USA,I would like to wish Everyone the World over,peace,health,good fellowship and freedom from hunger!
I will try to add points of interest in the coming days.
Thanks for dropping by and I hope it isn't the last time.
Any helpful ideas are entertained and appreciated.