My name is shane-Im a 22 year old living in Florida. I have to make video games for a living, thats just how it has to be. hopefully I will be able to one day, this mod stuff makes me feel one step closer to that goal.

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I was thinking, and since its about mods, I decided to make it my first blog!

Plinkotink Blog

While I love making Lift i'm always thinking of new ideas and games. One that has been stuck in my head recently is Ghostbusters.

To make a Ghostbusters mod would be suicide, at least right now. If you didnt know there is a new ghostbuster game coming out. However to make a ghostbusting game would be very possible. keep the basic themes of ghostbusters (proton packs-ghosts-traps-4 player co-op) That could be pretty fun.

apply this to the source engine, and you have a mod that would be pretty simple to make. for instance, the game play could roll out like this.
4 player co-op>>
Map: Haunted mansion (big haunted house)
Each player is assigned a task which forces them to split up. I can see keys needing to be found(or items to break down doors with), basic switches to be turned- all along the way fighting things like small ghosts that can be taken down by one person. (ghosts have life bars that diminish while being hit by proton beam)
Haunted items could be a constant occurrence, things like flying projectiles that hurt if they hit you.
Pitfalls, swinging traps anything- environment willing.
Either players will be split up, in teams, or all together but ultimately they would all end up together to fight the boss ghost. he could have some different attacks, spawn other ghost throw things etc.
damage cant be done to him unless all 4 beams are concentrated on him-once his health goes down the some one must throw a trap and trap the ghost. trapping could force the trapper to stand still, have to be a correct distance away, rapidly tap a button-anything to make it more interesting.

I find this idea interesting. especially from a mapping perspective. The team responsible could make and code a handful of ghosts, and make them simply placeable and triggerable in maps, making them simple to use for a mapper.
All the effects and most of the models are already in the source engine. All in all it would be a simple task for a small team. even in the simple state its in, this idea is fun, to think if it were developed further.