Hello, I like to mod Doom 3 in my spare time. I've made lots of a new FX but also like to code and script. Hoping to finish some tools and programs I had been working on in C++. Would also like to learn how to model and animate things. Message me about anything.

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Doom 3 status

Phrozo Blog


Just in case anyone was wondering I no longer mod in Doom 3 anymore. In fact I quit roughly a year and half-ago. Modding in Doom 3 has been great fun and an excellent way to spend being creative, productive, problem-solving technical and design challenges, and gaining a lot of insight in the development process of a video game like Doom 3 as a whole. The effort-to-reward ratio however reached a point where it was no longer justifiable anymore.

There is still a lot of potential in modding Doom 3, such as in VR, but for me I am done. I hope whatever little assets I released will put to go use and wish the best of luck to those still modding Doom 3 or those embarking on it.

As always, everything I have released is essentially free to use. No permission is required. Please credit/reference me though.
