born in france, paris. came to israel in 2007, west bank now living in israel, jerusalem. did the military in the armored division recons unit(32 month) love fishing, diving, traveling, camping, and of course gaming. speak french, english , hebrew. and that pretty all about me.

RSS Reviews

Bannerlord Online

Early access mod review

awesome mod, right now its a framework, which is already AWESOME.
this thing gonna exploded MARK MY WORD.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. [Demosfen]

Mod review

you can see many of the bad review are pure hater.

to them I'm telling if you think this author stole asset, report it to moddb right? why come to review raid this guy.

now about the work, its one of the most promising mod around, waiting for a translation for 1.5 but really this modder did bring a bunch of features that other modder didn't bring, or cutted of their mods (like 3d scope) because they didn't liked it, without (atleast) giving other modder their file for them to try enhance/fix it.

I don't see what wrong with him using asset from other free/open mod asset (and again I'm sure if demosfen did something really wrong without asking and such those mod dev can report him... which is don't seem to be the case right now.


Star Wars Mod X4

Mod review

already know it gonna be awesome.


Medieval Conquests

Mod review

sad to see so much people here spitting and hating on a dev,
a shame there is so much people insulting a man which did work hundred of hours if not more doing a boring job, working on code line for hours which is mindfuck, and seeing people spitting on his free mod.

guys if you don't like this masterpiece, just tell why, what the problem AND AFTER YOU ACTUALLY READ THE INSTRUCTION! cause so much guys here didn't even took the time to read properly the instruction and coming here spitting on hundreds hours of work... so hypocrite...

have nothing to say more than this, this enhanced version of 1257 ad is good, the work put in it is big, it is relieving, and not a waste of time to try. the waste of time was to see the brainless guys writting **** preview. so try it, its free and if you don't love it you lost some 10mn of your life.


The Red Wars

Mod review

for the motherland uraa!i'v been waiting a long for that kind of mod thanks! <3


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Mod review

that what i waited for untill i played stalker my first time in 2008