RSS Reviews


Mod review

This is honestly as good a mod as anyone can expect. The maps are very detailed, incredibly refined, original, and feel very heavily play-tested. Only a couple of minor areas stand out as needing work. The antlion "ambush" in the houses is irritating, the part near the end where you have to find certain parts to start a fuel and coolant thing, and also a random part where you have to jump over some steam. Aside from the aforementioned antlion ambush, combat is superb (if just a little too light, especially at the end). This mod definitely shows great level design without ever holding your hand. The only hang-up I had was the introduction, which I suppose you could skip, but was pretty underwhelming and dragged a little. Otherwise this was unexpectedly fun. Very much recommended.


Lithium Heat

Mod review

To the idiot who said it doesn't work with custom maps, of course it does. How about instead of posting a review when your dumb *** can't get something to work, to ASK? Because 99% of the time it'll be your fault. It helps to not be an idiot.


Lunar Descent

Mod review may contain spoilers

I thoroughly enjoyed the environment and the maps. They were quite well-made and kept a common theme and aesthetic throughout. The story is...well, much more told rather than shown. It's implied to be on a much grander scale than it actually is. This is probably to mask the fact that you only really have one enemy type in the entire mod. The voice acting was unexpectedly good. Level design was usually okay, with some areas looking a bit samey and only once or twice being confusing where to go. The real thing that drags this mod down is the amount of damage you take. I don't know what it is with mods these days that think the challenge in a game is to make you die in two hits. I played this mod on Normal and needed numerous restarts on two sections of the game, which I'll go into later. The mod description makes it seem like the only thing difficult is resource distribution; I didn't find that to be the case at all. In fact, there are actually plenty of first aid kits, weapons, and healing items around, and I actually never ran out of ammo. The problem is the enemies deal too much damage; in groups of one or two they're fine, but in the later part of the mod, they appear in groups of five to ten.

I guess I'm going to go into spoilers now regarding the tasks that required the restarts. There is a part where you have to defuse three bombs, which are guarded by more than ten guards each. The issue is that each bomb is on a time limit and you have to kill every guard or else you'll absolutely die. It was ridiculously hard to survive long enough to find the first bomb, let alone kill everyone guarding the second bomb. And keep in mind this is on *Normal* difficulty, and I think I have an advantage given I play a lot of shooters. The second huge problem with this mod is the "boss-fight" (?) I guess you could call it. At the end of the game, you have to survive against a woman named Evelyn who has a lot more health than everyone else and fires a shotgun at you. Thing is, she doesn't get stunned when you shoot her and even if you do manage to deplete her health, she comes back in about ten seconds anyway. Not only does she chase you around the map while you're looking for two hidden switches, but she also sometimes glitches the shotgun where she fires two shots simultaneously, which will kill you instantly from full health (not even giving you a chance to heal). I had to kill her three times during the time it took me to find the bloody switches, and that was absolutely absurd. Otherwise, the only other problem I had was that the maps feel incredibly barren at the start, since there are no NPC's and you're just walking around this empty ghost town.

I'm not sure who this mod is really made for. It's got good atmosphere, a short and bare-bones story that serves to get the plot moving, a nice consistent theme/tone, and bug-free maps. The combat is by far the most off-putting part to the game. The damage they deal, the lack of variety of enemies, the timed bomb segments, and the part with the shotgun-spamming invincible bitch were over the top. It's a polished, well-made mod for what it is but it falls short due to basic gameplay problems, lack of showing and not telling, and some other awkward things such as lack of NPCs and knowing the role of the protagonist before starting the game. 6/10


Hazard Course

Mod review

Loved it. Very true to the original and everything is done with great flair.


Aliens versus Predator - Classic

Game review

This is one of the best video games of all time, hands down. Nothing before or since has matched its speed, mobility, flexibility, or intensity. Its legacy will be not necessarily as an innovative work, but as a reflection of the most refined a shooter of the golden age of shooters can be. Everything here relies solely on skill, not luck, levels, perks, or whatever gimmicks are introduced into new games. No, the graphics have not kept up with the times, although the dynamic lighting is often more realistic than in modern games, and no, the story really doesn't matter. AVP99/Gold Edition/Classic 2000 is all about fast, frenetic, and crazy gameplay, and it is well worth checking out.