I am a German American citizen. Born in the USA and raised in Germany. I might have the American accent but still only know basic English, since I grew up in Germany and went to German school. My passion goes towards level design, video editing, image editing and ofc playing video games. Around 1995 I started my first steps with the Descent Level Editor. Then 1996 when DukeNukem3D came out I was fascinated what could be done with it's editor. It also was very similar to the UEd. After that (1997) I was only mapping with the (Quool) Quake II editor. When finally (1998) Unreal appeared I found my personal favorite editor. I never really got good with all these editor because I had no tutorials to teach me. The ways I learned to handle these programs was trough friends or just to try out myself. I have also been messing around with the more modern editors from Crysis, Amnesia and the new Unreal Editor but after so many years, I lost my interest in gaining knowledge about level design.

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Mod getting publicity

Officer_D Blog 1 comment


Doom Eternal Xp - Blog

Doom Exp mentioned in an article on PC Gamer. Thank you for all the help bringing this mod to it's current state.

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Check out my Doom Eternal Xp mod for GZDoom

Officer_D Blog

Unreal meets Doom

Officer_D Blog 1 comment

While E1M1 has already been uploaded, this updated version will include both maps. I'll try and get it out asap.