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Comment History
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ NPC movement speeds

Такой аддон уже существует

Good karma+2 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Fair Fast Travel 2.8

Got it. Thank you for looking into it, I deeply appreciate it! In the light of the info you've provided, I can live with the fatigue not increasing by fast travels. Thanks again for your awesome addon!

Good karma+3 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Fair Fast Travel 2.8

Please excuse me for I wasn't being specific. By compatibility patch I mean to look into the possibility of making the fast travel system being able to count and increase the level of fatigue.

Good karma+2 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Fair Fast Travel 2.8

Catspaw thanks a lot for this mod! Now I appreciate the fast travel system and use it more often. Could you let us know if it's possible to make a compatibility patch for this little gem ?

Good karma+3 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ ARMR Arti and RavenAscendants Mags Redux 1.5.2

Hello, Raven! Just sent you the russian translation via PM. Also reported a tiny bug.

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Body Health System Realistic Overhaul (0.87 EFT BHS Update)

"Stuff i will add:
Heal limbs one-by-one only like in EFT(maybe)"

Looking forward to it! Right now I'm running the "EFT Medic Item Overhaul" mod with my custom values, but I'm still bummed how you literally can heal all the damaged limbs just with one use of Surv12.

Good karma+3 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Upgraded Guns And Armors In Stashes (UPDATE 1)

TheMrDemonized, спасибо огромное за такой мод! Иммерсивненько, подогревает интерес к игре, всё здорово.

Но есть вопрос - возможно ли из таких предметов добыть апгрейды при разборе? Сейчас в одной игре нашёл 5 улучшенных предметов, разобрал их, но ни одного апгрейда не выпало.

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ PDA Fix For EFT 1.5.2 (DLTX version)

Надо же, а ларчик просто открывался. Благодарю за помощь!!

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ PDA Fix For EFT 1.5.2 (DLTX version)

Kidzukami, добрый день! Неужели мне удалось найти человека с такой же проблемой с ПДА других сталкеров :) Скажите, пожалуйста, вам удалось решить эту проблему с аддоном ZCP?

От себя добавлю, что можно в папке с модом скрипт "pda" переименовать и запустить игру. ZCP при этом будет работать, но теперь он не станет затрагивать функционал ПДА. Уж не знаю, повлияет ли это как-то на геймплей по ходу дела, буду тестировать.

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ EFT Full Medic Item Overhaul v2.4 - SOUND UPDATE

This is awesome, guys. Thanks a lot for such an amazing addon! However, should car fak be swapped with ifak based on the EFT's stats? Yes, you can do it yourself via configs; I'm just curious what do authors of the addon think.

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ New Extensible RF Sources 1.6.2

Catspaw check your PMs please

Good karma+2 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Anomaly Magazine Redux - Localization rus + eng

Перевод излишне деревянный. Перевод "слово в слово" ни к чему хорошему никогда не приводит. Этот аддон тому подтверждение. Работа была проделана, аддон залит - это круто, уважение за это. Но сам перевод ни к черту.

Good karma+4 votes
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ [1.5.1/1.5.2] Zone Customization Project (AZCP) 1.5e

Hello! This addon is a game-changer (pun intended).

It gets Anomaly pretty close to Dead Air's Last Stand. Love that. So, thank you for all the work that went into it, sir!

I've got a question though: is it possible to include weapons, outfits, helmets and belt attachments into stashes and loot boxes (in different conditions, varying from a complete wreck to somewhat mint)? Just like it was in Dead Air's Last Stand. That way you can really survive for quite some time in the Zone; indulge into repairing, upgrading, searching etc. Hence, increasing the playability of this awesome addon. The thing is, it's working safe and sound, with no errors, but I reckon one wouldn't be able to survive that long in so-called "last stand" because the resources are scarce, there is no new outfits available, new guns are only those of zombified.

Once again, thank you so much for your work Diphenhydramine-HCl ! Looking forward to your reply.

Good karma+1 vote
NeilHill - - 14 comments @ Dead Air - Sediment(Dead Air 0.98b)

Gonna try this out! Thanks for publishing!
By the way, is it possible to edit the chance of getting medicine and clean food in stashes while playing "last stand" mode?

Good karma+1 vote